Life span of rams

Captain Canuck

Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
Okay, so I have my new 33 gallon tank setup and have it cycled now. I will be stocking it with corys and tetras and had planned on some rams as the centre piece. I have read that the lifespan of a German Blue Ram is about 3 years, is that correct?
I have never seen anything on the lifespan of bolivian rams, does anyone know what it might be?

I plan on having two female rams and one male is this an ok idea?

I have heard that german blue rams will live anywhere from 6 months -2 years. I read that a lot of people find that their rams 'drop dead for no particular reason' after 6 months. I really dont know how much truth there is to that. I've had my rams for 6 months now without a prob.

As far as 1 male-2 females... I wouldn't suggest it because whats going to happen is that male is going to pair up with one of those females and the 'leftover' female will just get picked on. You've got a 33, why not get a small school of them. 1 male and 4-5 females.... it will reduce aggression. They are peaceful for cichlids, but are still aggressive with their own kind.
6 months-2 years lol my cousin has had both of his for 3 years now.

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