
Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2004
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UK Peterborough (80 miles north of london)
I've heard loads about ur LFS and most of it has been bad reports. I'm sick of hearing about how bad that are. if it's really that bad then complain about it!

Now all these bad reports make me think why keep fish if it's so bad.

Are there any one that thinks their fish supplier is decent and not just employing stupid buggers that are only there to give bad advice.
I have one decent lfs, clean tanks, good advice, live fish. All hail Stapeley Water Gardens!
the only ones I would consider "decent" are a couple of the small mom and pop shops....sure there may be more of a selection at a chain store, and I'm sure they are making more money....but there's nothing like finding a fish you've never seen before in tip-top condition at a small shop......the owners were actually upset at one of my local stores when i took away their blue ram pair :( ...

that's what I like to see. Every chain store around me (western new york, usa) employees a bunch of idiots who even if they do know about/care about the fish don't think they can make enough of a difference (with a few exceptions of course) so don't bother trying to improve conditions. And they may be right...there might not be a way to make a difference when most chain stores see only the importance of the almighty dollar.

In summary, it's been said time and time again that small local shops take best care of their animals, but while the chain stores continue to thrive off of ignorance this will never change.

EDIT: oh yea, if anyone lives around the rochester, ny area i would highly recommend Al's Pet Shop (best condition of fish I've seen and sometimes some exotic ones) in the city, Rainbow Pets in Spencerport (once they finish moving their stuff), and even PetWorld in Greece. I would avoid at all costs PETSMART and PETCO.

Another EDIT: and no matter who it is giving my advice at what store I always double check online before making a decision. A lot of the time it is impatience on the buyer's side that causes many of the problems we hear about.
I go to two lfs regularly, one of them is faultless and gives great advice to everyone. the other is pretty good but stocks dyed fish :( I've never ever been in a shop giving blatantly stupid advice of teh type that's so often complained about on here. :dunno:
my main LFS is called Lucky Goldfish, it has more than just fish but it specializes in them. Always has healthy fish and clean tanks, and (usually) gives good advice. Of course the couple that run the shop also employ their sons there, who happen to know nothing about fish. I could probably get away with buying a clownfish for my freshwater tanks while one of those guys was on duty.
I have two LFSs that I use. Primaraily I go to Living Sea Aquarium. They have beautiful tanks, both salt- and freshwater. They usually have a wonderful selection, including freshwater rays! Their tanks are clean and I often see fry in several of the tanks, which IMO is always a good sign of well-cared for fish! The other shop I go to, less frequently, is Old Orchard Aquarium. They are not as big, so have a smaller selection of both salt- and freshwater fish, though there selection is filled more with less common fish than most other places. Rarely do they have guppies for example (not that I have anything against guppies, but you can find them everywhere). They make great use of their limited space by offering less common fish. Like Black Ghost Knife, fire eels, and even some moray eels, which I have not seen in other fish stores.

Both give great advice, though are a little more expensive than other places. However, the extra expense is well worth it when I consider the health of the fish and the quality of the advice. I have never heard them selling fish without asking about tank size and inhabitants etc. Unless they know the customer, and they know many of them by name.

the lfs i got my fish from are great fish keepers they no everything there is to no about the fish they sell!!

btw are neon tetras dyed fish??, sorry to highjack the topic but???
No, neon tertas are not dyed those are their natural colours believe it or not. Cardinal tetras are not dyed either.

Both should have a blue band of colour along their full length, the neons have a red band of colour below this along half their length, in the cardinals the red runs all the way along same as the blue. Amazing really especially good in a shoal.

Trop - my LFS is a small family run concern - BRILLIANT. They have had amazing patience when dealing with me and all my questions. Believe me I have loads of q's for them since being educated by you guys on here!!!! :)
This post always seems to come up every few weeks or so. :p As I've said in the past, in my own defense - I don't care too much for pet chains...I will shop there, bu tonly if I know what I want going in. I don't rely on them too heavily for advice.

My favorite pet stores in my area are some of the mom-and-pop type stores (although, even a couple of those are questionable.) If you're in Southeast Michigan, I highly recommend Preuss Pets in Lansing, The Fish Tank (ask for Andy or Gary) in Westland or Cichlid World (ask for Eric) in Garden City.
Tropjunky said:
Are there any one that thinks their fish supplier is decent and not just employing stupid buggers that are only there to give bad advice.
Yup! I LOVE my lfs :) They give great advice and have been fantastic to work with. They even special order fish if they don't have quite what I'm looking for. I have my rams, rainbowfish and my angels thanks to asking them for something specific :thumbs: Exotic Underworlds in Savannah, GA

My Petsmart is OK. They have a great selection and their tanks are always very clean. I've seen very few dead fish and never any signs of disease. Their employees are more helpful than not, but still aren't quite experts, but they 'fess up to not knowing something rather than making it up.

One Wal-Mart here is so horrendous I can't even go down their fish aisle, but the other is passable (but I'd still never buy fish there).
I have a brilliant lfs that I go to all the time as well, but there are some other lfs that I visit that are real bad... so I complain :p
Well the brilliant lfs that I go to is called "Vebas Aquarium" ...I think a few people have heard of my talking about in some otehr posts. Well it a really good store will all fish keeping supplies and is the only store which I went to thats sells Melafix and lots of other medications for fish.
I always buy my fish from this store because they are healthy and a lot cheaper than any other fish store I've been to. They also sell lots of cichlids, goldfish, discus, freshwater fish, mono's, scats, archer fish, oscars and saltwater fishes... including stingrays, lionfish and small sharks :D And many more fish!
In australia (adelaide to be exact) we have quite a few good LFS (i dont even know what it stands for, but that is the term)

the best ive seen was h20 aquariums. beautiful tanks, clean, not a dead fish in site. plenty of range. the guys new their stuff.

there are many more here. even some of our chain stores are pretty good.

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