cutechic said:
Workers chasing a fish around the tank with a net to try to catch him. I mean, sure some types of fish are fast swimmings, but they're just going to be floaters if they keep getting chased.
How do you expect them to catch the damn fish? Would you rather they siphon them out into the bag?
Tropjunky said:
i think they should ban any1 under 16 from all lfs
That's not fair. There are quite a few teenagers around that age who are just as responsible as some adults. Hell, some of these kids who are really into fish know MORE than some adults! You can't single someone out just because they're young. How would you like to be banned from your favorite LFS just because you're not quite 16?

What should happen, instead, is for each LFS to empower their employees by asking anyone who doesn't behave properly to step out of the store. You see someone trying to "catch" a fish with their bare hands, ask them to stop or leave. You see someone tapping on the glass, ask them to stop or leave. Quite simple, really.
plecoperson said:
cutechic said:
Workers chasing a fish around the tank with a net to try to catch him. I mean, sure some types of fish are fast swimmings, but they're just going to be floaters if they keep getting chased.
How do you expect them to catch the damn fish? Would you rather they siphon them out into the bag?
Okay, what I think Cutie is talking about is the same thing I am talking about which is, chasing One fish around and around. What's bad about that?? Well for one thing it's gonna stress the fish out and before you get it home it's belly up and the main problem DUDE! there's freaking 100 of the same fish around the tank stop picking on just one and go for the other ones sheesh!!!
Synastic said:
plecoperson said:
cutechic said:
Workers chasing a fish around the tank with a net to try to catch him.  I mean, sure some types of fish are fast swimmings, but they're just going to be floaters if they keep getting chased.
How do you expect them to catch the damn fish? Would you rather they siphon them out into the bag?
Okay, what I think Cutie is talking about is the same thing I am talking about which is, chasing One fish around and around. What's bad about that?? Well for one thing it's gonna stress the fish out and before you get it home it's belly up and the main problem DUDE! there's freaking 100 of the same fish around the tank stop picking on just one and go for the other ones sheesh!!!
Yeah, I agree. But a lot of times that I've been in a store, I've seen customers come in and they're like "I WANT THAT FISH" and they've got their finger pressed to the glass chasing a single fish around. :p

Oh wait. That's me. :p (Hey, give me a break though - if he's stressing that one out, I ask him to wait and come back later, or pick out a different fish. :D)
Synastic said:
plecoperson said:
cutechic said:
Workers chasing a fish around the tank with a net to try to catch him.  I mean, sure some types of fish are fast swimmings, but they're just going to be floaters if they keep getting chased.
How do you expect them to catch the damn fish? Would you rather they siphon them out into the bag?
Okay, what I think Cutie is talking about is the same thing I am talking about which is, chasing One fish around and around. What's bad about that?? Well for one thing it's gonna stress the fish out and before you get it home it's belly up and the main problem DUDE! there's freaking 100 of the same fish around the tank stop picking on just one and go for the other ones sheesh!!!
but what if you want one particular fish? but i agree chasing it around the tank is not the right way to do it. you have to be careful about it not to stress out the poor fish
Becca brings up a good point, well if you want a particular fish then thats fine. I just dont think it's right when they chase it to death (Literally). Give the fish a break, just leave the net still for a while and when the fish calms down try again or something. I just get anal when employees chase it around and around till its caugh and then once its in the bag its side ways :crazy: .
I don't think you all understand what its like to work in a big petstore, trying to serve customers who insist that they are right and you are wrong. You see them passing on the "wrong" info, but they're only allowed to pass on what they've been told by the store, they can't go around chucking out any old bits of anecdotes from every customer. Everyone's wrong once in a while. Anyway, in most lfs, they keep community tank, so with the afore mentioned pleco being so damn fast how the hell do you expect the employee to catch one pleco in a tank when the customer wants THAT pleco right there. And no, that other one won't do. I'm sure you all have done or will do it at some point.

I think you should all stop being obnoxious and think about the employees as well as what you want to see happening.
I hate the parents with the 2.4 children who stand in front of the tanks blocking everyones view saying "Look at that one, it's having a sh*t" and then laughing like they're the funniest people on the planet.

And don't forget the classic "They look nice, let's get some for your mum, they can go in with her goldfish" while looking at the Neon tetras in the tropical section!

I'll stop now :grr:
Tropjunky said:
i think they should ban any1 under 16 from all lfs
hey I'm 13 and ive been keeping tropicals since i was 9 and a know a hell of a lot about it and i know every thing to do with cycling n stuff like that plus i don't go into my lfs any way kuz its crappy pets at home so they give me crap advice!
So i probably know just as much as you about freshwaters!
canoechiq said:
I hate it when the staff treat me like i don't know a thing about fish. They tell me the most basic thing a million times each time I go.
They just can't win for some people, if they say nothing people complain they just sell fish without offering any info. If they start offering basic information, people get on their case too.

Personally, I feel I know enough of the basic information, and I usually know a lot about whatever fish I purchase (I did make impulse buys and mistakes in the beginning) so I don't need the LFS employee to tell me simple, basic things. However, I would far rather they tell me these things than not. That means they are telling other people who may not have researched the fish before buying it.

Chances are good if you shop in the same place (even better chance if it's not a pet superstore) that the employees will come to know you eventually and stop "insulting" you with basic information they SHOULD be giving everyone.

I too hate irritating children. But that's everywhere, not just at my LFS. ;)

I agree with Dan - which is why all of my fish purchases now come from a single LFS - the guys that are in the shop have come to know me and my husband and are quite familiar with my tank. If they know something, they pipe up. If they don't, they grab one of the many books they have behind the counter. :D It's really an all around nice store, and I'm lucky to have found it! (If you're in the SE Michigan area - I highly recommend them - It's called "The Fish Tank" in Westland, MI.)

As for the bigger stores - I'm starting to feel for the employees. Some of them really do care and they try - but how are they supposed to help educate customers when they have a manager breathing down their neck to make the sale?

But I do have my limitations as well. My local PetSmart is great - but there's a guy that works there who, quite literally, thinks he knows more about fish than anyone else. While, granted, he does know quite a bit - he doesn't need to get a cocky attitude with the customers, regardless of their knowledge level. For quite a while, before I found my now favorite LFS, I'd buy my fish from PetSmart (Hey, I've never had a problem with their fish!) and each time I saw this guy in, I'd just leave.

He was bad. It wasn't that he was offering advice (most of which was basic) when you'd get your fish, it was just the WAY he was offering the advice. He'd say it with this condescending tone, all the while hurriedly rushing the sale along. My end impression is that he just came to hate his job. Hopefully he didn't come to hate his fish tanks too. :( (He kept several, smaller, tanks at home)
I purchase fishs from only on LFS store too! There they don't treat me like I know nothing and they are really kind.
I haven't met a large lfs around exept for the one I go too but even in the smaller stores it's like that...managers breathing down the emplyees necks...

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