Lfs that exchange fish


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York
The fish shop that I usually patronize does not take fish back once they are sold. There are signs posted urging their customers to choose their purchases carefully. But, I see many posts where members have exchanged or returned their fish to the store where they bought them.

Does your lfs take returns or exchanges? Is it a chain or an independent shop?

What is your opinion of this practice?
They at least offer a warranty don't they inchworm? If the fish dies within 24-36 hours I would hope so.

I don't buy fish on impulse so I would like it if they wouldn't ever take fish back. Maybe we wouldn't have so many Oscars in a 10g tank.
i think it's good for the bussiness because so many people just rush in to by a fish, but it's bad for the person doing the buying. my lfs return fish only if your not mixing them (agressive fish with communty fish)
one shop i talked to won't take returns but will sometimes take fry, dependingon the fish. the other will take fish back or will take in unwanted fish, they give you half the selling price of the fish in store credit, then they put the fish into species or community specific tanks and sell them for less without a health guarantee (if they are cichlids or more expensive fish, they quarantine them and then sell them, if theres a disease outbreak in the tank from a return, they label the tank as not for sale). they tell peopel buying from the cheaper mixed tanks that these fish do not come with a health guarantee like hte other fish. both shops are privately owned stores. the chain stores do not take fish here. i'm fine with the practive (they ahve a whole tank full of large plecs and various cats and pikes and oscars and such that people returned when got too big, which is a great way to prove to consumers the future size of their fish. they do warn people about the source of the fish so its becomes a case of buyer-beware, which is as it should be in my opinion.
my lfs is an independent shop, and not only are they more than willing to take a fish off of your hands, they also give store credit for returns (half of what you paid)

It works out great for everyone, the fish who can't be housed for whichever reason and the buyer, for example....my midas that I love dearly, someone had brought him in because they couldn't handle him and his kill,kill,KILL attitude but for me...he was just what I needed.
I've also had to bring fish back on occasion, as long as it's not sick,they'll take it! I love that (and them) :wub:
My lfs takes fish back if you had had them for less then 24 hours no questions asked it is a private store though. He also takes fish that are too big or something and he will even take them if you dind't but them from his store and I believe you get store credit. (I haven't had to do that yet luckily) :fish:
I am lucky to have some great people nearby that run small and freindly fish shops and are all hobbiests themselves. They usually have no problem taking back fish that have outgrown a tank or are just causing a nuisance. Most give credit for livestock only so it works really well and no-one feels hard done by.
One in particular offers a 7 day guarantee on all fish (with a water test free too) that inspires great confidence and they are always willing to keep a fish for you so you can be sure its healthy, now thats what I call a REAL LFS!
Clap on the back guys!

Kilkenny Aquatics

I think some lfs stores may not accept fish once there sold due to quarantine problems. Because if your tank possesed a disease or something it could infect an entire lfs tank. Also its good for their business ;)
All the real fish shops around here take back unwanted fish, dont know about the likes of petsmart etc because ive never been to one.

The ammount paid for fish varies from shop to shop, my true lfs dosent give money straight away but will give you half the money when the fish is sold, but they will not take aggressive or predatory fish. Other shops in the area will give you a store credit for 1/4 of the value of the fish, the more expensive the shop the better the deal you get :lol:
the shops here in singapore do not have such policies as here, they get their fish very very cheap so it doesn't make sense getting it from a hobbyist at a higher price and they wouldnt risk it either
my lps take fish only if you call in advance and they only give 1 third of the price. Another lfs I went to was very generous by giving straight swaps and you have the upper hand.
smb said:
They at least offer a warranty don't they inchworm? If the fish dies within 24-36 hours I would hope so.

I don't buy fish on impulse so I would like it if they wouldn't ever take fish back. Maybe we wouldn't have so many Oscars in a 10g tank.
Hi smb :)

I'm not sure if there is any kind of warrenty on the fish's health, but I'll go there later today and find out. :dunno:

Personally, I'm glad that they don't take them back, too. I wouldn't want to buy someone elses used fish! :rolleyes:
Whats wrong with used fish? Many of my fish are ones that have been returned once they have started eating their tankmates or outgrown their original owners tanks. Without the option of being able to buy grown on fish i would have to have several grow out tanks or buy expensive adult wild caught fish.

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