Your two quotes from earlier
In both of those, you are basically saying that the salesperson is there to maximise profits.
Then when I said
You argued with me.
SO enlighten us, what is the salesperson's role?

Mikey1 said:it doesn't matter, if they have bala sharks for sale in the store, they are there to be sold, thats why they have them in the store,
if i go into a grocery store and buy chicken, does the store make sure i know how to cook the chicken properly before i leave? no, they dont care, as soon as i buy the chicken they dont care what i do with it even though i could die from poisoning if its not cooked properly, will they refuse to sell me the chicken because i dont know how to cook? no, its a sale and money made for them, and cooking the chicken is my own responsibility, not thiers,
fish stores can not make sales under certain conditions, such as, you treat the fish properly for the fishes lifetime, your tank is adequate size, your tank is properly cycled, you have the proper foods and knowledge, etc etc,
if that was the case they would rarely ever sell a fish and be out of business in no time,
customer "i love bala sharks, and so do my kids, i will take 6 please"
employee "how big is your tank?"
customer "30 gallons"
employee "tank is way too small for bala sharks"
what does this mean? it means the customer leaves the store and buys them down the street at the next store, it means a lost sale and a lost customer for the store, it means a very angry owner and possibly a fired employee, not the way to run a business,
don't get me wrong, i am all for treating fish well, and i do for my own, but business is business, and a sale = profit
Mikey1 said:it is a business, a LFS is there to make sales and make money, just like any other business,
im not agreeing or disagreeing with you,
but you have to remember that the "fish scoopers" are there to do just that, bag fish for people,
i dont know about you, but if i owned a fish store and one of my employees talked a customer out of a sale, i would be fuming mad at that employee....the customer is not going to wait and come back in 6 weeks time when their tank is cycled, they are going to go to the next closest LFS and buy their fish and supplies there, which equals a lost customer and lost $$$$$
In both of those, you are basically saying that the salesperson is there to maximise profits.
Then when I said
the_lock_man said:So, you could argue that the saleperson's duty is to maximise the profit for the business owner, and you wouldn't be wrong. But, I ask you thiswhich is a better strategy, long-term? (A) To sell an expensive item once. (B) To sell appropriate items on multiple occasions.
You argued with me.
SO enlighten us, what is the salesperson's role?