Lfs Says Fig8 Puffers Are Fw?


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
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I got 2 f8 puffers about 3 inches each and my best LFS said they are FW fish. I had remembered hearing yall say that they werent so I asked well later on when they get bigger are they brackish and they said no they are FW. Now yall say they arent!!! But I know that If I take em back they gona say yall are wrong and they wont gimme store credit +(
To a point, your LFS is correct. Figure 8 puffers, Tetraodon biocellatus are found in fresh water.

However, in captivity they are typically found to do better in brackish water. I am yet to be given a scientific reason for why this must be (other than making them less susceptible to FW bacteria and parasites), but those with experience recommend them to be kept in BW.
also, let me clarify that by "better" we mean "better colored, less prone to fungal infection, and doubled life expectancy".

f8s like relatively light brackish water, so it really shouldn't be a problem for you to convert their tank over. marine salt mix and a floating hydrometer should pretty much be all the additional "equipment" that you would need.

while i'm thinking of it, double check to see if you have true f8s or if you got ceylons by accident. ceylon puffers need a much, much larger tank than f8s and also a higher salinity. nmonks posted some comparison pics here: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?s=&sho...dpost&p=1296517
Yea mine both have the "eye" on their tail fins and are just from looking at those comparisons definatly fig8's.
yea they gona do way better in brackish i had a tank with some 4-5'' fig8 puffers they were sweet but i sold them to a friend with a brackish setup and they are doin great

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