Lfs Ideas...

In response to torean's question, I don't know how biozyme can survive, but I do know that there are many organisms that can survive in a dormant state in a range of adverse conditions, and can revive when ideal conditions are met, so I'm thinking this may be how it works.

I agree, if it does work this is the most likely method. I'd speculate some more but it would be kinda pointless =) I hope someone comes along who knows I've been pondering this for about a year now. I should just take the initiative and go to biozymes website.
what is that in you sig...?

It's an ornament I made for my 55, while taking a pottery class. I've now made many more and I'm trying to think of marketing ideas. The bacteria is just one idea I came up with. BTW one of the benefits of my particular ornaments is that they are pourous. With powerheads and no filter media all the bacteria in the tank would be on the gravel, glass and throughout my ornaments. Since oxygenated water passes through the piece bacteria will (theoretically) colonize the entire piece, inside and out. If anyone has any opinions about this please speak up. Another thought that I've had is to make slender pieces with small holes all around the bottom then I'd put a flexible air stone in the bottom and fill the piece up with gravel or other filter media. Then the customer could take the "filter" home and run it in there tank for a couple weeks to introduce the bacteria. If they like the bubble filter then they can keep it if not they could dry it out and bring it back to the lfs. Renting bacteria. By the way how can BIOZYME work if it is not refrigerated and has no shelf life. I'm not calling you a liar I just don't understand. I used it and got no results, my cycle took over a month.

Do you keep saltwater tanks, Torrean? Because the theory that you are working off of is very closely related to the practice of using "live rock" for filtering a tank. The porous rock has so much surface area for bacteria (and many many other organisms) to grow on...strong currents by means of powerheads are sometimes all that is needed to provide adequate filtration (assuming you are properly stocked, not overfeeding, etc....and doing regular partial water changes to reduce nitrates). In fact, many of my freshwater fry tanks use only sponge filters (something you don't often see anymore), just imagine the surface area of a sponge!! I'm sure your ornaments are very similar....
No I don't keep saltwater tanks (they intimidate me) I got the idea from the sponge filter pinned topic. The difference between what I want to do and what they did is that I'm not planning on using a lift tube. In essence I am planning on making the ornament the lift tube and the tank the fish food can (that should make sense once you read the pinned topic in the DIY forum). I think i'm going to make one of these filters and put it in my 5 gallon, my sister has been wanting to give me a betta and I can use test kits to see if it works. I'm hopefull.

So you think the idea of ornaments in a tank with no filter and several powerheads (and an ammonia source) would stimulate enough bacteria growth to help cycle a tank? If it would work that would be really cool.

I got my fired pieces back today and I'll be posting the pics in my thread a little later tonight if anyone is interested.
i would be happy if my LFS would stock some half decent fish!!!, every bloody time you go in, it's the same old BS, neons, tiger barbs, etc, never anything exotic or racey!!, and there is 4 shop on the same side of the road on a mile stretch!!!

scott :grr:

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