lfs complaints


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
new jersey
this is like the only lfs near me n i wanna work there n all but shouldn't they guarantee the fish or except returns on most livestock? they don't
what does everyone else have to say?
I believe that they are not putting warranty on their fish be/c they don't know what type a fishkeeping enviroment their fish are being sold into. So, rather that "screen and school" their customers, they are just not taking back dead/diseased fish.

That's how it was once explained to me.

Most lfs (not chain stores) want a sample of your tank water before they'll give cred or a refund on dead fish.

thats what happens around here, but make sure you watch them do the test, last time i took some water, pre testet at home, they told me to go for a walk around the store, they called me over claimimg there was an "extremly high amount of Ammonia in the water" which i was sure there wasn't.

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