Lfs And Their Cruelty To Corys


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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In about 10 minutes we are going down to Pets at Home to rescue yet another badly treated cory.
This is the second time we've had to do this. Our second peppered cory, Penguin, was rescued from there after we went in and saw him completely on his own in a tank with a load of angelfish that were going for each other. We asked the fishstore people to move him into a tank with his own kind and they nodded and agreed. But two weeks later we went back and found him still there. I had to take him home and we bought him.

This week we went back and found an albino cory alone in a tank with some quite territorial fish (I remember looking them up but will confirm his state when I get back with him soon). I figured it would be pointless to ask them to move him because they ignored us previously claiming he was ok and corys like that. Today when we go back I am going to make a complaint about how their fish are treated because its disgraceful. We rarely buy from there anymore but had to pop in to pick up some fish food for whilst we are away in January and thats when we saw the poor little cory.

Its getting beyond a joke now. These people are keeping malawi cichlids and clown loaches together in a tank and the poor loaches look so pale and sick. I would rescue all the fish in there but we have barely any tank space as it is. The fish we have currently will be living in this same tank until May when we can disperse the corys between two tanks.

Its not just the dead fish in fish stores that are wrong, its the lack of eucation on the fish section staffs behalf that are endangering these creatures. I just hope this time they take me seriously.
Maybies its a sale ploy (put that corry in that tank with those monsters and someone will feel sorry and buy him) its worked twice on you so far so maybies others to...

On the bigger issue i think for every fish they sell they should include a bottle of whitespot+ lol.
Maybies its a sale ploy (put that corry in that tank with those monsters and someone will feel sorry and buy him) its worked twice on you so far so maybies others to...

On the bigger issue i think for every fish they sell they should include a bottle of whitespot+ lol.

yeah sounds about right. Poor little loaches. And cichlids. Am off right now to have a whinge. Will include update later.

Anyone know where the name and shame thread is for LFS? I feel another rant coming on.
I think there are loads of threads on here about it, mainly the store in question, but it also upsets the few on here that work there or at other stores and as they personally do a good job and its the bosses fault for the lack of training and they don't care what people on here say, I have given up ranting although I may find myself blowing off steam again someday. Best just not to go into the store so you don't get upset because they'll never change. to them It's like asking a supermarket worker if they're bothered about dropping a few veg on the floor and bruising them. They just see each animal as a product to sell.

To the ones on here that work at the chain stores and do a good job, keep up the good work, at least you can educate your colleagues (if they're interested enough to listen)
I would definitely write to the manager, then to the head of the chain. List your complaints with dates, tell them that you would like to continue supporting their store, but feel unable to do so if this practice continues, inform them that you know there are P@H stores that are run efficiently and humanely, and that you feel some quite simple changes would do a lot to bring this current store up to scratch. Outline exactly what changes you would like to see. Tell them that you appreciate that they may sometimes be left with a single cory (they clearly can't force a customer to buy more than he/she wants) but that it is then extra important to keep this in a non-threatening environment. But don't buy the fish- (I know it sounds hard, but you are actually paying them for mistreating their fish).
Me and Puppyduck just got back with our new little fish friend.

Not very happy with Pets at Home at the moment, and won't be going in there again. It may be conveniant for ormanents and other goods, but The Range is next door and is even more conveniant/better.

Wanted to rescue a couple of really pretty Bettas that were either side of a glass divide and going mad at each other. Don't think that would work in my tank with my other Betta, lol.
Maybies its a sale ploy (put that corry in that tank with those monsters and someone will feel sorry and buy him) i

I don't think they have done it because of that, I think it's just cos they don't know a thing lol

actually my local pets at home isn't ususally that bad, sometimes the bettas get their own tanks, or at least tanks without tetras e.t.c.
Our Steve is alright with tetras.

But the store's treatment today upset me especially when I watched a staff member net out a fish that didnt belong in one tank (I thought he was going to move the fish) and then just put it in the dead fish bag. I'd seen it moving seconds before. I was so worried that he'd do the same to the cory we were rescuing and so shocked at what he'd done I said nothing, but I'll certainly be writing to the manager/relevant people to ask why this is going on.

I dont remember the pets at home down South where I used to live being this bad. Though they did have a very small fish section.

Pudding, our new little rescued cory, is doing well. He had a torn dorsal fin, possibly from fin nipping, but otherwise is ok. He's eaten and seems happy. But we wont be going in Pets at Home again. Its a shame, but as said in this thread, what we dont see cant upset us. Just feel terrible for the fish.

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