Levels High...i Am Water Changing Later


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2007
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Well, my 29G salt has the following levels as of 5 mins ago:

Ammo - 1
Nitrate - 10
Nitrite - 2
pH - 8.2
Temp - 80.6 (somewhat low, bumped my heater up a tad)

I have no fish yet. I have 8 Blue Legged Hermits, 5 snails, and 1 emerald crab, with approx. 25/30 pounds of live Tufa Rock.

Besides a water change, is there anything else I can do? What should I expect to see after a water change?

Thanks in advance! Ill stick around to hear your response.

--Jim C.
did you cycle the tank?, it depends on how many gallons you change for how much loower the levels will be
You could add some macro algae like chaetomorpha (spaghetti algae) which will help with the nitrates and also phosphates. Other than that, you just need to wait for the tank to cycle until ammonia and nitrite are 0 and the nitrates can be kicked with a big water change.
do you know what caused these spikes? Fixing what caused it is something you should do....
80 Degrees is not low at all, in fact i dont let my tank run higher than that. 75 Degrees would be fine, its stability that is the key, keeping the temp within the same range. I think your just experiencing a late cycle, as for water changes if you change 50% then your figures should be half, so it will take a while for your ammonia to become 0.
75 is really low, 82 is the avg reef temp, as long as ur temps dont swing more than 4-6 degrees ur fine, 75 is getting to low for corals

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