Letting Fish Die


New Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Hi - I am new here and the reason for joining is because this is really irritating me...my husband's uncle comes to visit from NY occasionally and leaves his fish with no food - EVER! When he returns back home they are always dead. WHAT THE HELL?? This is a 48 year old man for God's sake. I told him he could not stay here again if he couldnt take care of his fish...why does he even have them if he cannot take care of them? I am so angry...I cannot believe that people could even do this - they are living beings. Anyway - I offered to give him an automatic feeder (I have 6 of them) but he doesnt seem to want to bother. Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent..
Hi - I am new here and the reason for joining is because this is really irritating me...my husband's uncle comes to visit from NY occasionally and leaves his fish with no food - EVER! When he returns back home they are always dead. WHAT THE HELL?? This is a 48 year old man for God's sake. I told him he could not stay here again if he couldnt take care of his fish...why does he even have them if he cannot take care of them? I am so angry...I cannot believe that people could even do this - they are living beings. Anyway - I offered to give him an automatic feeder (I have 6 of them) but he doesnt seem to want to bother. Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent..

How long does he visit for ?
That's my questions. I've had my fish go six days without food, get one regular sized meal of flakes and go another four days just fine while I've been on vacation.
mine have gone a week and a half before and none died, just did big water change and fed a little more few days before.

if he doesn't feed the fish, does he water change before hand?
He doesnt change the water and stays for 5-6 days at a time. I cannot understand this! They die every time and he doesnt seem to care..
hmm fish would not starve to death over 5 or 6 days, so I suspect he is losing them to something else.
He is an idiot - why bother to keep fish if you dont care about them - where is the pleasure in that? :angry:
with no water change, i would think the ammonia must be high :crazy:

would only be high if he didnt have a filter. Fish will easily last a week with no one caring for them assuming everything was well before he left. Sounds as if he either doesnt have a filter or its not cycled
hes a fish haver not a fish keeper, we had this debate in another thread recently,theres nothing you can do really apart from nag him
hes a fish haver not a fish keeper, we had this debate in another thread recently,theres nothing you can do really apart from nag him

I agree with this - HEY TO THE PERSON THAT CALLED HIM AN IDIOT - that's my job. I agree too but I think it is rude to post such remarks. Anyway, I agree...he shouldnt have fish at all..
hes a fish haver not a fish keeper, we had this debate in another thread recently,theres nothing you can do really apart from nag him

I agree with this - HEY TO THE PERSON THAT CALLED HIM AN IDIOT - that's my job. I agree too but I think it is rude to post such remarks. Anyway, I agree...he shouldnt have fish at all..

I have no time nor manners for people who deliberatley cause suffering to living creatures. :angry:
hes a fish haver not a fish keeper, we had this debate in another thread recently,theres nothing you can do really apart from nag him

I agree with this - HEY TO THE PERSON THAT CALLED HIM AN IDIOT - that's my job. I agree too but I think it is rude to post such remarks. Anyway, I agree...he shouldnt have fish at all..

I have no time nor manners for people who deliberatley cause suffering to living creatures. :angry:

I agreed with you but still think there is a better way to communicate on this site..grow up.
hes a fish haver not a fish keeper, we had this debate in another thread recently,theres nothing you can do really apart from nag him

I agree with this - HEY TO THE PERSON THAT CALLED HIM AN IDIOT - that's my job. I agree too but I think it is rude to post such remarks. Anyway, I agree...he shouldnt have fish at all..

I have no time nor manners for people who deliberatley cause suffering to living creatures. :angry:

I agreed with you but still think there is a better way to communicate on this site..grow up.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He is an idiot, in fact he's an #### hole for letting something living suffer. What a ####!
Haha Ian H,
So its okay for you to call him an idiot but not us Aquatina?
(When quite clearly...he is ;) )

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