Letter To Petco

okay guys, i edited it. tell me what needs fixed now :lol:

Though I have been a happy customer to your Mentor location in the past, I'm no longer willing to spend my money in places where animals are kept in inproper conditions. [If I do return and see bettas in these conditions again, or even the fish with rubber bands in the tank, I will be taking more action and report your store to the animal authorities.]*

*are there animal authorities for fish?

Yes, it's animal protection and control, you can probably get their number by calling your local humane society. I've already reported one of my LFS' to them and they were most grateful, and promised to send someone to the store to check it out.

Quick note about spelling, "inproper' should be "improper". Possibly a typo, thought I'd point that out. Also, I would take out the [ ] brackets.

Otherwise it sounds good.
Good for you, why not also add though that you are posting this letter on the internet and will also post their reply... If they feel they are getting bad publicity then you may get a better (betta :fun: ) response
okay guys, i edited it. tell me what needs fixed now :lol:

Though I have been a happy customer to your Mentor location in the past, I'm no longer willing to spend my money in places where animals are kept in inproper conditions. [If I do return and see bettas in these conditions again, or even the fish with rubber bands in the tank, I will be taking more action and report your store to the animal authorities.]*

*are there animal authorities for fish?

Yes, it's animal protection and control, you can probably get their number by calling your local humane society. I've already reported one of my LFS' to them and they were most grateful, and promised to send someone to the store to check it out.

Quick note about spelling, "inproper' should be "improper". Possibly a typo, thought I'd point that out. Also, I would take out the [ ] brackets.

Otherwise it sounds good.
the brackets were just there to point out the questionable sentence. :good:
haha you noticed my terrible spelling. yeah, i wasn't sure how that was spelled so i just threw a letter in there :lol:

if i don't get a decent response back from this letter, i will send another stating "bad publicity" and "loss of money" very boldly in it :lol:
of course, some petcos arent so bad. this one was excellent when it first opened. so the bad publicity would have to be directed towards this one in general.
if you are going to put posters up dont start flaming them or else they will just rip them down if you should just out up fliers to show how bettas should be properly taken care of and the customers will probably make the distinction between the right way and the their way :nod:
this is a letter to the management of petco concerning the conditions i got my bettas from......

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