lets work on it :)


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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ok i bought another 29G today and im leaning towards cichlids i currently have a few already which are 3 male kribs and 1 blue ram when the new tank is ready im planning on removing my big male krib and leaving the other 2 - the big one is aggressive towards the other 2 when they are very peacful to my others more part of the community maybe someone can help me work on a list for the new setup....

here is what im working on

Electric Yellow Cichlid - Labidochromis caeruleus
Convict - Archocentrus nigrofasciatus
Julii Corys

i believe it was convicts i seen im not good with cichlids besides kribs and other commons bu till recheck with my LFS

my ram will maintain in the present 29G he will get i say 2-3 females to join him
and neons will be added unless something happens to them i had 4 originaly 1 died on a accident and the other no clue what happend

but thi si snot abou tmy community tank lol - just wondering what some of you Experts think about the small list above especially juan and vip :p
wouldn't put the cons in with the africans. cons require protein in their diets, while the africans can get bloat from excessive protein. you would not be able to fulfill the dietary requirements of everyone to maintain their health.

kribs and labs are not a good mix either. kribs are riverine and tend to be more aggressive. labs are from lake malawi and are one of the more peaceful cichlids. good possibility that the labs would get killed in that setup. cons are also very protective of their young. the kribs could probably fend for themselves, but the labs would be no match.

what kind of a set up are you trying to acheive? do you prefer new worlds or africans? are you planning on putting all these fish in this setup? if so, there is not enough footprint in a 29 to support all that.
my main idea pretty much was to have a pair of kirbs and something to get along with them i have had a pair in a community tank before and got along currently i got 3 males one male i want to put in this tank and get a female since he is very dominant towards the other 2 while they are peaceful and fit the community tank very good - once i remove him im planning to get 2 female rams for my ram so the #1 29g will be complete

yallow labs wint my fish int he first tank is not a good match either is it? (water conditions might not match for all species havent checked up on all fo them yet just know cons,kribs,labs have about the same) i really liek the color of the labs but i DO want to reomve my dominant male krib fromt he current tank so i need mates for kribs
Yellow labs are from Lake Malawi, one of the Rift Lakes of Africa. They require a COMPLETELY different water chemistry from that of Kribensis or Convicts, which are both riverine species. They don't belong with Kribs or Cons.

That said, I would not put both Kribs and Cons in the same 29g tank, especially if there are both male and females of either or both species. Both of these cichlids are good breeders, but get extremely aggressive when they do. A breeding pair of either species would likely cause many problems.

If you want tankmates for a Krib pair, I would suggest one of the small armored catfish species. A school of large, colorful tetras or other dither fish would work as well.

Hope that helps...

Good luck! :thumbs:

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