Lets See Your Crowntails

although now he's a blue color- not green anymore. i kinda wish his colors would make up their minds.

First off, gorgeous fish everyone!

To answer that statement I quoted... if he is a "turquoise" the light would greatly effect what his color appeared to be. I've had one that went form blue to green to blue to green, just based off whether their was florescent lights, incandescent, natural lighting, or no lighting. Or maybe he is just a very confused fish... :lol:

for today, i think i'll label him confused. after work i'll get pix of him now. he does keep changing though.... i did notice he looked more green yesterday, and more blue last night. :huh:
Here's Icarus


although now he's a blue color- not green anymore. i kinda wish his colors would make up their minds.

Icarus is beautiful! I love the colors

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