If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
im not posting any more lol, otheriwise im gonna take over the thread lol
Feel free
im not posting any more lol, otheriwise im gonna take over the thread lol
Think i might trade in for a 35+ year old women rofl
LOL why are you younger than that?
8 more years b4 im 37
Think i might trade in for a 35+ year old women rofl
LOL why are you younger than that?
8 more years b4 im 37
Sunday paper round then
I'm afraid your'e to young for me genesis, but I agree good looking.
Steady another matter lol, only kidding.
I agree he sure does.
He's got the look.
What the tongue smillie mean.
That's right, I'm going to kick Optimus Prime's ass.