Lets play a guessing game!


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2005
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A pedestrain paradise where the catwalk got it's c
Ok im doing a cichlid spawning project with my cusin. We cyrrently are trying to breed Angels, Keyholes and cribs.... So there all still young. Im gonna post pics. but there are 3 angels 3 keyholes and 1 crib(still looking for partner but lets pretend she has one)







Honestly the pics make them look small. The keyholes are about an inch and a half and the krib is a little bit smaller. Oh and the 3 angels are going to be moved once i have a 20 gallon available. Doing to sell fancy guppies fry soon.\
So which fish out of these 3 are most likely to pair off 1st. Breed 1st? The angels are about 2 inches horizonatally. :)
the kribs, they breed at really small ages when you get the partner
Not sure about the others but your looking at atleast a year or so before those angels pair off.

I would have to put my money on the kribs.
Kribs for sure.....do you have a reasonable method of removing the odd cichlid that doesn't become part of a mateing pair? If your angels/keyholes form a spawing pair the one remaining angel/keyhole is going to be hounded....not to mention that from the pics of your tank...there isnt exactly alot of possible breeding grounds....Angels i believe like large leafed plants/flat rocks to lay there eggs on and keyholes will need som sort of rock/deco that they can leave their clutch on.It's not as easy as throwing a few fish in together and watchin them breed. Once you start seeing pairs form you have to have a viable method of removing the odd fish..keyholes/angels (cichlids in general) will view and other cichlid as a threat during a spawn and act accordingly.
I'm sure the kribs will breed first but like I said one of your another posts you should really have them in a tank by themselves or at least get a lot of plants caves/pots in the tank they are in now. Even that wont help I'm afraid once the keyholes and kribs start breeding :/ 20 gallon is way too small for trying to breed two different types of cichlids. especially ones who are known to be very aggressive during breeding.
Elisabeth- Yeah i decided to get rid of the kribs because of that. I didn't realize they were gonna be that aggresive.
digital_run- Angels actaully like to place their eggs on vertical places. I have a plant like that on the other side of my tank which my comp cam can't reach. But from what i've read most of the angels just lay them on the aqurium walls. And mine aren't ever on the other side to begin with. And keyholes will use a flt rock if provided with but from research I read that they will carve out a ditch in the gravel if not given a rock. And that that will work too so im gonna save my money and use it on bloodworms and such. :)
my kribs breed and they were very peacfull even to the corries. The female just didnt like the guy. I actually think she ditched him and has bred with the other guy

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