Let's play a Game. Stock this tank


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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been putting together a stocking list but haven't entirely deicded what to add.
So I'm gonna let us have some fun. What would you put in the tank. For this game just ignore water conditions and think of what you would put in an established tank. How would YOU fully stock a 46G bow front with a TON of filtration.

Only one catch to the game you need to consider 2 small clown loaches into your stocking ideas.

I personally am partial to gouramis but I'll post my potential stocking list once I get it sorted out and see how it stacks up against everyone else.
tstenback said:
2 angels
12 harlequin rasboras
2 pearl gouramis
5 panda cories
12 cardinal tetras

OOps forgot about the 1 inch per gallon "rule of thumb" :shifty: ;)
yeah I am not entirely in agreement with that rule. when stocking certain fish I wouldn't count them the same as others. But thanks for your suggestions.

FYI this is a 46 bow with a fluval 304 as well as an UGF with 2 175 Gal/Hour powerheads on it.
20 :hey: flame tetras
a few dwarf gouarmi here and there :cool:
6 otos :sly:
cometcattle said:
I'd put the oscar thats in your 5g in the 46g. :)
Nah I just got the oscar a new home. I pick it up next week.
In that case, maybe a school of dwarf neon rainbows and a school of rummies.
Hmmm...Seeing as the clowns can get close to a foot long,that leaves 24 inches or so...I'd start a mbuna tank and pick up a small group,4 or 5 maybe. :)
Definately go with the Mbuna, I did and I intend to move my 3 clown loaches into the big tank when they have grown a little larger. Researched the compatability and heard from lots of people who have successfully combined Mbuna and CL's. I also have 2 silver sharks in there who are doing fine.

Whatever you choose -- Enjoy! :D
If it were my tank, I'd go with Angels. There the only fish i don't have that I really want.

Your the mbuna idea with lots of rocks and caves!
go with the mbunas.........i rekon

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