Lets Get To Know The Tff Betta Lovers

Howdy there, I'm Bob - Avid renaissance man. I'm from a small, hick-ass town in South-Eastern Missouri. I live on a small farm, with 20-ish head of cattle, some cats, dogs, and my fish :D. I live the average A- high-school student life. Wake up late, get to school late, leave early...The usual fare. Up until I few weeks ago I had Dreadlocks...And I was convinced to cut them off so I could 'get a job'. 3 weeks later..no job, and no dreads! :/ I do miss them...

I dabble in a bit of everything: I'm a musician at heart - I can play guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, banjo, and any other stringed instrument pretty much ;)... I'm a semi-proficient artist if need be, I also enjoy making things ( whether it be wood-working or pottery ). I'm also diabetic, which is always fun...Gotta' love heredity.

After highschool I plan on attending some sort of college some-wheres... But I'm not entirely sure where, or what for. The only real reason I plan on going to college is so I have something to fall back on if my band doesn't make it. Odds are it will be something to do with music, marine biology, or something associated with computers.

To show off my " Lovely" artistic talent I drew this up really quick. Just a little cartoon doodle of myself. :lol:
Isaid ill post some pics of me...
this is me at four!

Me a few years ago sat on the steps where i used to live with one of 6 seals i swam with!
this one was a rescued pup called brent!

me now!
Hi all, thought i would join the thread...its about time something like this was started, i often try to picture people on here and i must say some of you seem nothing like i thought.

Well i'm Shelley, i'm 22 and live in Devon, England. I am a farm girl and have a small holding that i mainly use for the horses and the far to many dogs i have. I plan to build and live on there some day just so i can watch the sun set over the moors. Oh and as people seem to be putting their relationship status, i am dating a country singer and i'm proud lol

heres me:


i don't look grumpy all the time honest :blush:

for any thing else look me up on myspace lol, names the same as here
my name is ashley im 15 years old and i live in nz (new zealand)
i love fish dogs and birds
i have approx 6 tanks of fish 3 dogs 4 cats 2 budgies and 3 caneries
i love siamese fighters and i have an after school job working with grey hounds and i love it!

Okay well I'm Gina, I'm 20 years, married for a little over a year and live in Ohio. I have 1 dog, 3 bettas, 5 danios, 4 tiger barbs, and 30-40 danio fry. We're moving soon so I'll be getting some space to set up my first fish room. Um...I'm a twin and am very close to my family no matter how bad they annoy me sometimes :crazy: Lets see, I don't have a job so my hobbies include origami, kirigami, baking, cooking, cleaning, raising fish, baby talking the dog to death, and overall wasting time till I get a job. Here's a pic of me and my sis, I'm on the right:

what's up everyone :good:

well, let's see... my name is Phi(fee), i'm 23 years old, i live here in the city of philadelphia(maybe in the process of moving to houston in a few months), i'm basically some kind of a crazed fish fanatic, i have 2 bettas, 12 guppies, 11 neon tetras, 8 platys, 7 mickys, 6 mollies, 5 swordtails. i always want MORE & MORE fish(can't seem to stop myself :look: )

Hi, I'm Dawn, and I'm a betta-holic. Hehe j/k couldn't quite help myself.

As I said I'm Dawn, I live in Kansas for the time being, towards the end of the year I'll be moving to Wyoming. Um lets see, I'm 27, single at the moment, so basically all I do is work (it's expensive living on your own) and play with the cats and mess with the fish. I'm not an overly social person, more of a homebody, so its a good thing I don't have the time to go places. :fun: I'm a dispatcher for a police/fire department, and then I work part-time in an office supply store. I currently have 3 tanks set up (divided betta, community, & mbuna), once I move though I plan to just have two, a 75gal w/p.volitans & a custom 300 - 500gal mbuna. I'm sure I'll end up getting a couple of bettas though, they sure are addictive. I also have two cats, one of them is currently trying to lay on the laptop so I'll pay attention to him. :rolleyes: Well, can't think of anything else to say. No pics from me, I hate having my picture taken. :blush:
Amber here. Don't let the cap and gown fool you- I still need one more silly little credit to get my biology degree. I live in Flagstaff, Arizona with my wonderful boyfriend who is my partner in crime as far as fish are concerned. We're hoping to move to Tucson this summer so he can go to grad school at the University of Arizona.

Other than bettas, I love doing pretty much any artsy craftsy thing... well, I can't draw or paint, so maybe we'll just say "any craftsy thing". I have three spoiled chinchillas. I have two jobs in retail, but I'm in the process of quitting my pet store job. It seemed like it would be fun, but it turns out it's just like any other retail job plus customers expect you to be a walking, talking fish encyclopedia and get mad at you for telling them what they don't want to hear (e.g. you can't keep a "Nemo fish" in a bowl)

Anyway, nice to meet you all.

Yo, I'm Rob. 21 and a bit of a betta fan lol. I have 2 males, 5 female, roughly 120+ fry. I'm currently also housing 3 males and 2 females that belong to my gf :rolleyes:

I would scare you with a pic, but I'm not that cruel :p
Hey, I'm Sean. I'm 21 years old and I live in New York, about an hour north of the city. I'm a Psychology major in my Senior undergrad year at Binghamton University. I currently have 2 betta males, one I just acquired today from Jaded12 :D. I would post a pic, but I too feel a sense of obligation to the good people of this forum to spare you such a thing, lol. I'm just not the photogenic type. :/
I am Valerie, I live in Indio CA. I have a long history with animals and I currently own 2 Betta fish and 3 Tiger Oscar Ciclids. My betta's are Bling and Meya. Meya was a rescue along with her sister Miya, who died not to long ago :crazy: I am currently teaching my dog some tricks. I own 1 dog, 9 rabbits, 10 finches, 5 fish, and 2 Toads. My house is a mess of Trouble with all the pets I own!
My name is Mike, I live in sometimes sunny Southern California. I currently live with 1 betta, 3 Danios, 3 X-ray Tetras, 2 Chinese Algae Eaters, an Alligator lizard, 3 cats, a Boston Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and up until recently two ferrets. Always have been fascinated with animals of all shapes and sizes and I always will be. I'm currently also trying to get a 45 gal. Saltwater project underway.
lol this thread is fun! loads of people on here i thought were older are younger than me :lol:

anyhow.. im mark and im a bettaholic. im 22 and im from just outside edinburgh in scotland. im an unemployed bum at the moment.
im interested in all sorts of creatures, and have kept various things. i used to have aviaries and have kept around 30 species of bird. ive had various furries and have had fish of one sort or another since i was about 5.
in one of my previous jbs i worked as a falconer, working with a mixed collection of birds of prey.

i currently only have betta (around 20) and a group of 6 mixed species corrys.

if i had my way id have a zoo!! i want to have dogs, hawks, falcons, horses, ferrets, quail, finches ect ect....



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