Lethargic Or Sick Betta? Help!


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
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Hey all.

I got a betta about a week ago, and at first he was in a very small 2L tank. He was very hyperactive and blew a bubblenest the second day. I read that this could mean it's bored. So I got a bigger, 5L-ish tank and added a fake plant along with the real one I had in there.

He seemed hyperactive at first, but then over the days became quite lethargic and didn't move much.

Today I changed his water over and added a sucking catfish to help clean the water.

He seems okay with the other fish, only took a nip and then seemed to get bored.

He is again being lethargic and not moving around much. He used to perk up his top fin and swim around a lot, but now he just seems to float at the top or bottom of the tank. I think he's either sulking or sick.

I have fresh water, non-filter tank with a 25W heater set to 28 degrees, but since the water doesn't flow the temp fluctuates around 20-25 degrees. I use water ager and water conditioner and water ager crystals. And I feed him 2 blood worms each morning and 2 each night.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Oh, and PS, I'm not sure if he's gotten darker or not. His blue streaks seem to go a peachy colour sometimes :(
You are doing something VERY wrong... a 1 gallon tank cant hold 2 fish! nonetheless a betta! bettas need at LEAST a 3 gallon! what kind of sucker did you buy? because if you bought any type of plecostomas, then return it IMMEDIATLY. most plecos get more than 4 inches... and if its a common... that thing could reach 2 feet!

welcome to the forums
You are doing something VERY wrong... a 1 gallon tank cant hold 2 fish! nonetheless a betta! bettas need at LEAST a 3 gallon! what kind of sucker did you buy? because if you bought any type of plecostomas, then return it IMMEDIATLY. most plecos get more than 4 inches... and if its a common... that thing could reach 2 feet!

welcome to the forums

I'm doing the best I can with the tank size I have. At least I'm not keeping him in one of the 1/2 a litre cubes that pet shops are selling as betta habitats.

And he was perfectly happy in the smaller one apart from being bored. So I don't think tank size is the cause of his sudden lethargy, if anything he appeared happier in the small one I brought him home in that the bigger one I bought for him.

And I don't know the type of sucker. It just said 'sucking catfish'.
If at all possible, get a picture on here of the tank, the betta and this 'sucking catfish'. You're best off returning the catfish either way as 5 litres is definately not gonna be enough for it. Maybe replace with a snail or some shrimp if you're worried about keeping the tank clean.

The betta may still be adjusting to his new environment. It can take 2 weeks for them to settle in fully. At least he's still eating though. Are you feeding dried bloodworm by any chance? Might be an idea to vary the diet a little with some pellets or flake especially for bettas. =)
realistically, you need to be changing the water every other day (at the VERY least-every day would be better ..change 50% at one time. with a small tank, the ammonia that the fish produces as waste builds up quickly. without a filter to help eliminate the ammonia, you have to do it by waterchanges. definitely rehome the sucker. too many fish (=too much waste in a small volume of water). look into a bigger second hand tank (at least 3 gals). with a filter. you will find it much more enjoyable than having to change the water everyday.
his lethargy could be due to his recent move into the new tank, or more likely, ammonia levels being too high.
in the short term, feed him less food, every OTHER day (less food in=less waste out). keep on a rigorous waterchangng schedule. get some live plants in there (they will help remove SOME of the ammonia and bettas love live plants). go on ebay, craigslist, newpaper, garage sales and find a bigger tank with a filter. goo that you are heating his water. lots of folks dont do this as the stores dont make that a point (they are tropical fish).
best of luck!
and welcome to the forum :)
If at all possible, get a picture on here of the tank, the betta and this 'sucking catfish'. You're best off returning the catfish either way as 5 litres is definately not gonna be enough for it. Maybe replace with a snail or some shrimp if you're worried about keeping the tank clean.

The betta may still be adjusting to his new environment. It can take 2 weeks for them to settle in fully. At least he's still eating though. Are you feeding dried bloodworm by any chance? Might be an idea to vary the diet a little with some pellets or flake especially for bettas. =)

Thanks :) I'll get some pellets for him tomorrow. He seems to be swimming around a bit more and blowing more bubbles since i've gotten home, so hopefully it is the settling thing.

This is his tank:

And this is Shadow:(sorry, not the best pic in the world. Only had a phone on me.)
I'm just a bit concerned with the peach coloured scales on his face. I'm getting an ammonia tester tomorrow.
you dont need at least 3 gallons, you need at leas 2 gallons. 3 is preferred, 5 is excellent.

blood worms constantly IS NOT good for a betta, they canmake them ill. give gim half a shelled pea to flush him out, and try him on flake/pellett food. he may be constipated bless him.

bloodworm should be a treat really imo

edit: just noticed someone already put that he needs flake/pellet :blush:
realistically, you need to be changing the water every other day (at the VERY least-every day would be better ..change 50% at one time. with a small tank, the ammonia that the fish produces as waste builds up quickly. without a filter to help eliminate the ammonia, you have to do it by waterchanges. definitely rehome the sucker. too many fish (=too much waste in a small volume of water). look into a bigger second hand tank (at least 3 gals). with a filter. you will find it much more enjoyable than having to change the water everyday.
his lethargy could be due to his recent move into the new tank, or more likely, ammonia levels being too high.
in the short term, feed him less food, every OTHER day (less food in=less waste out). keep on a rigorous waterchangng schedule. get some live plants in there (they will help remove SOME of the ammonia and bettas love live plants). go on ebay, craigslist, newpaper, garage sales and find a bigger tank with a filter. goo that you are heating his water. lots of folks dont do this as the stores dont make that a point (they are tropical fish).
best of luck!
and welcome to the forum :)

Thanks heaps for that :) I didn't even know that I had to monitor ammonia til today. The pet store person just chucked water conditioning stuff at me and said not to change the water more than once a week :S

I'll def be changing his water more often now!!

you dont need at least 3 gallons, you need at leas 2 gallons. 3 is preferred, 5 is excellent.

blood worms constantly IS NOT good for a betta, they canmake them ill. give gim half a shelled pea to flush him out, and try him on flake/pellett food. he may be constipated bless him.

bloodworm should be a treat really imo

edit: just noticed someone already put that he needs flake/pellet :blush:

it's okay, I'll def be getting some for him. And thanks for the pea advice, I would have never thought that.
I'm not too impressed with this pet store person >.> she seems to have told me all the wrong things and given me all the wrong things too :(
A lot of people on here have been given either no advice or completely wrong advice by their LFS (I was one of those people :sad: ) but you will get some excellent advice on here the guys here really know their stuf :nod:

With regards to the pea, boil it til it's cooked, pop the middle out of the skin, mush it up small enough for him to eat and pop it in the tank. If he's anything like my fish he'll go mental for it lol.

Anyway welcome and good luck with him
A lot of people on here have been given either no advice or completely wrong advice by their LFS (I was one of those people :sad: ) but you will get some excellent advice on here the guys here really know their stuf :nod:

With regards to the pea, boil it til it's cooked, pop the middle out of the skin, mush it up small enough for him to eat and pop it in the tank. If he's anything like my fish he'll go mental for it lol.

Anyway welcome and good luck with him

Stupid question (sorry just really paranoid about hurting him further): Mush up the skin? or mush up the middle? sorry :look:
There are no stupid questions just inquisitive idiots :lol: :lol:

But no it's not a daft question, mush up the middle of the pea not the skin and feed the mush.

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