Fish Fanatic
Well I have 3 Agassi Cory (last they had)
I have had them for 4-5 weeks now but one has always been by himself and its becoming worse lately
could it be because theres not enough of them, I am able to get 5 more at the weekend since I know
a place nearby which I can get them from but could it be something else?
The stocking currently is
6 neon tetras
1 male ram
10 glowlight danios
3 Agassi cory
and its a planted 60 litre would adding more Corie's overstock the tank, its been running for about 6 months with fish.
I have had them for 4-5 weeks now but one has always been by himself and its becoming worse lately
could it be because theres not enough of them, I am able to get 5 more at the weekend since I know
a place nearby which I can get them from but could it be something else?
The stocking currently is
6 neon tetras
1 male ram
10 glowlight danios
3 Agassi cory
and its a planted 60 litre would adding more Corie's overstock the tank, its been running for about 6 months with fish.