Lethargic Betta


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2006
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one of my males who used to be very skittish is now lethargic and staying at the bottom of his tank only coming up for air.i did alot of mucking around yesterday with tank swapping water changing etc..now hes not eating or anything.water ph and temp is perfect.what do you thinks happening?
I wouldn't panic about it yet. Bettas throw a rather notorious pout. If he doesn't come around in a few days, then I'd check water params again and tempt him with some juicey bit of food.

If you're very concerned about his immediate future, think to yourself, "Did I treat his water? Was the water the same, or very close, to his original water temperature? Is whatever new thing aquarium safe?" If you find you can't answer any one of those questions, remove whatever bit of questionable decor and water change for your peace of mind.
I got my bettas ornaments mixed up the other day and did they sulk! They also dont like having their tanks moved around. :lol:
I found myself spending 20 minutes feeding my fish defrosted bloodworms on the end of a cocktail stick this morning while hubby cooked his own brekky! :lol: :lol:
I am trying to talk myself out of going to my local aquatic centre they are now open sundays!
Oo I just had a minor epiphany.

Bettas are the poodles of the tropical fish keeper world. ><

Yeah, I hand feed my bettas frozen blood worms, too. And various other frozen things, and pellets.

I think I'll go get myself a nice, macho Plakat, now. :X
Oo I just had a minor epiphany.

Bettas are the poodles of the tropical fish keeper world. ><

Hahaha! I dunno. Gouramis can be pretty prima donna too. I did some messing around with the decorations in my betta and gourami tanks (took a decoration out of the gourami tank and put it in the betta one). My gourami has been sulking ever since, and the betta has already staked his claim on the plant. I fear for my life if I try to move it.
This may be a stupid question, but did you remember the dechlorinator? I have forgotten once... she was only in there a couple of minutes before I realized I had forgotten, but it was enough to make her sulky for a while.
One of my bettas eats his own tail when I do a full water change. I usually try to just do more frequent partials on his tank and he does better.
well i can confirm 2 things.1 is he has fin rot!2is that he is worse.i have resorted to putting his tank out in the sun today to brighten him up a bit.geez when i did a water change he just lied on the bottom of the tank like a dog playing dead.not good!
ive seen fish recover quicker form fights!what evers wrong with him its not good.maybe i just got a sick fish and it took a water change to bring it out.anyway ive given him some betafix and indian almond leaves.hell either recover or cark it.one things for sure,from now on i only buy plakat thais.they are WAY more resillient and all round tough fish.
although im not a big fan of long tail slpendids i will still do what i can for him.any suggestions?
never mind,he died today.when i went to check on him his tank was 86 deg f.i dont know wether he overheated or the illness killed him or both.all i know is it isnt normal for a fish to fall so ill from a simple water change.he was definetly sick when i bought him.next time i just have to be more careful.
rinsed his tank out and left it in the sun so whatever it was i dont give it to the next betta. :/
Aaah, that's a damn shame. I hate it when I don't know what happened to them. :/ Sorry about your loss.
That temp's rather high... do you have a heater, or is the bowl (if it's a bowl) placed in sunlight or something like that?
yeah it was is sunlight that day,but he was sick for a while with no sign of improvement.meds didnt work.????

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