Lethargic Angels


New Member
May 15, 2004
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Hey all!!! I was wondering if anyone could give a little insight in to my prob w/ angels. Well established, 55 gal community tank, PH, etc, all w/in safe or norm. levels. Two weeks ago I lost one, then the following week another The remaining four have totally changed their personalities. Not coming up to beg for food any more, I never see them eat. Have treated the water with quick cure & thought I was getting some results, but apparently not. Temp was too low for a while (long while actually) so I've raised it to near 80. ??? Any thoughts??? If you have any thing helpful, please e-mail me with your thought or suggestion. t2fiver@yahoo.com or IM me on yahoo t92fiver. Thanks a bunch.
:hi: to the forum!
How long have you had the angels - were they fairly new to the 55 gal? You have four left and you say that water parameters are ok... what is your ammonia/nitrite/and nitrate levels. If your tank is established these may be just fine but if we know numbers it does help. What temp was your tank at when you decided to raise it to 80 degrees? If you raised it slowly this shouldn't be the problem.
I hope that you get the help you need. :)

Sorry I'm not more familiar with this form & how to use it's features. However, thanks for your reply to Lethargic Angels. Nitrates, Nitrites & Amonia levels are all also OK, these fish have been in the 55 gal for (estimated) 2-3 months. The temp stayed right around 70 before I began using the heater & I still haven't gotten it up to 80 yet so I hope the increase is gradual enough. Today I noticed one of the bigger ones exhibiting teritorial behavior toward one of the smaller ones. The tank is at my office, so I don't get as much quality observation time as if it were at home. Will wait to hear from you. Thanks again.
keeping angels at 70 is a bit like someone from barbados being dumped in siberia... im pretty sure he would feel a bit pissed off and lethargic too
I hope that they perk up for you with the warmer temps. You said that one was showing some teritorial behavior so maybe they are also a little off while dominance and pairing takes place.


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