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Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
So, because I don't like to be beaten by something and surrender to it, I spent the better part of the day and evening researching, talking, bothering, pestering, questioning, etc. in regards to what might have killed my Jack last night. It turns out I might have killed him myself with something I thought would make their lives better.

I recently went out and got a PUR tap water filter - one that hooks right on to the faucet, and you turn it when you want drinking water. It removes chlorine and heavy metals in your water, so naturally I thought that would help my situation with fin problems, etc... I was telling one of my coworkers today about Jack's death and he said (before I mentioned anything about having just got the filter)... "Yeah, both my bettas died when I got a new filter for my tap water filter system. I must not have let it run long enough to clean it out before I filled their tanks up with it."


I used the water from the PUR filter on Jack's tank for the first time last night. Now, this filter isn't exactly *new*, I have sent hundreds of gallons of water through it already, but I IMMEDIATELY rushed home and checked everyone else, because I changed EVERYBODY out last night and gave them all PUR water - Lucky was pale and breathing heavy up at the top of the tank. I ripped the filter off the faucet, and changed out his and Louis' water right away. Lucky's back to his old flaring self and Loius isn't quite as lethargic as he was. Everybody else looks okay for now, but they're all going to get changes, even Gary.

Sooo... in retrospect, I feel HORRIBLE, like I want to die and like I could just crawl in a hole... because what I did to intentionally improve their lives ended up killing Jack (or helped to kill him - I *THINK*) but I know deep down (and I hope he does too) that what I did was to try to make his life better, not end it. *sigh*

Just wanted to share with you all so that no one else has to go to thru what I did last night. PLEASE don't use these filters.
awww its ok... take it off and never use it again!! or use a different faucet for the betta water :p

*hugs* you didnt know so its not your fault completely
I threw the piece of garbage INTO the garbage.
I am (NO BIG SURPRISE HERE) going to write a letter to the company, of course, letting them know what happened and that they should consider putting warning labels on their packaging.
Bettamomma, your heart is one of the largest I've ever seen. Please don't blame yourself. If that was what caused jack's death, wouldn't all the others be affected too? I doubt it would kill him THAT fast like you said. If you did run a lot of water in it, it really should have been ok. I think Jack just died, because thats what some fish just do. They get old, and things don't work like they should.
Well, I wouldn't think it would have killed him, except the guy I work with said that both of his died after using the EXACT SAME filter system, and that is the only thing I changed.

And Lucky wasn't looking too hot either when I got home. He's fine now, in other water.

You're right - maybe it wasn't it. :/
I'm probably just looking too hard for a reason.
BUT... it is an awfully big coincidence I think. He might have had underlying issues, too, and it might have just been too much for him I suppose.
I have heard of PUR filters making fish sickly, but certainly not kill them in minutes. We have a PUR filter, but it is in my kitchen, and I do all of my water changes in my upstairs bathroom.
You have heard of it making them sick before?

I wonder if we should try to get that made into a sticky thread.
It is human nature to want to know reasons for everything. When I was seven, I had a hamster up and die on me, and the night before, I had given her a few peas from the dinner table for the first time. I thought the peas killed her, that she choked on them or something, but when I was seven I had no concept that 3 year old hamsters might just do that.
I think that PUR filters might trap all of the chlorine and heavy metals in those pads, and maybe some of it gets washed out, and it is in a heavier dose? Just a thought. Maybe something in the filter cartrige is toxic to fish, but I have definitely heard of something like this before. Or maybe, it takes out some minerals they need in the water.
Very interesting.
I thought I was doing something great.

Well I guess I know better now.
Hopefully everyone that reads this will too.

VERY hard lesson to learn. Very hard :(
Check to see what material is used in the filter of it.

If it has any type of metal in it..that could be your culprit.

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