Leopard Frog Plec


New Member
Nov 23, 2004
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Hi, I'm currently negotiating a deal to buy two leopard frog plecs (for £8 i think!)

I haven't found much information on these fish and i was wondering if anyone could suggest a site or had any advice on keeping them.

These will be my first fish. But my tank has been maturing empty for a very long time (i.e. 2 months). The dimensions i think are 600 X 350 X 400mm, the water is sitting nicely at 24 degrees and roughly pH 6.5ish. The tank will consist of a slate cave formation and two bits of bogwood (one planted), and quite a few small plants.

What food do they need and I'm not too bothered about what other fish to put in with them so i'd be greatfull for advice on compatibilaty too.

Thank you

Great username NinjaGinger!

L134 peckoltia sp. Leopard Frog Plec.
Maximum recorded size: 8cm (3 inches)

These fanatastic looking little plecs are treated just the same as most other species.
They appreciate a current in the tank, so a stong filter outflow or powerhead is great, if not, then add an airstone, they have a high oxygen requirement.

They will also appreciate the wood that you've added to suck on and will benefit from the tannins that leech into the water.

Food wise, they enjoy sinking plec wafers and the occasional meal of something meaty like bloodworm or chopped prawn.

Like all plecs, they're champion poopers so a decent filter & regular water changes are essential.

Good Luck!
Did you cycle the tank they're going in? Or just let it run? If you haven't been feeding the tank like there were fish in there, it won't be safe to add softwater fish like L134 to, IMO. These fish appreciate very softwater and low pH conditions, but don't require it for anything but spawning. Good luck with them!

I have 2 of these in a 600 DUO tank. It has a Fluval 3+ filter running which moves the water around at a good rate. This tank has been set up since December and has cories and Betta juvies in there.

There is bogwood in there which they hide under for most of the day. They have eaten the algae off the back of the tank although I've never seen them do this as they only really come out at night and no more has come back so they must be keeping it down overnight. I put in sinking wafers of all varieties, pieces of cucumber and different types of frozen foods.

They seem happy and healthy from what I see of them which isn't a great deal I have to be honest. My water is very hard in the Midlands and PH is almost 8 but I've had them for around a month. I have found though that I have 2 males as they have the serated edging to their leading pectoral fins. Saying that I don't see any injuries on them so they seem to be getting along. On Planet Catfish they state that they must have a 12 inch square territory each which mine do have.

I'm hoping to get a female tomorrow as my lfs is getting a new shipment in. They are a very pretty fish which almost rival the Zebra Plecs and £8 is a fantastic price as I pay £28 for each one :(
Oh well.

The deal has fallen through.

I couldn't collect them for a couple of weeks and someone else has snapped them up who could pick them up this week.

Back to the drawing board.

Thank you for all the advice. It won't be wasted as i'm still hoping to get leopard frog plecs, once i've found them.

You can get them on trimar but they are £18.50 each :eek: which in all honestly is actually a far more realistic price than £8.
We've got one - and plan on a few more of them ;)

they are a great plec - our recently developed a taste for snails...

she was in the tank with our breeding Apple snails - we noticed the young seemed to be dwindling in numbers and one evening we spotted Buffy sucking a snail out of its shell!

when we moved the tanks about there was a collection of empty shells in her cave!

She is now rather over wieght due to over eating :/
Is snail eating common? I've just found a few snails (9) in my tank and have been looking at loaches (but they're ugly) :*)
ninjaginger said:
Is snail eating common? I've just found a few snails (9) in my tank and have been looking at loaches (but they're ugly) :*)
I sincerely hope that you mean the snails are ugly !!! :<
I have 2 Angelicus loaches (Botia Kubotai) and they are beautiful ! Or does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder ? ????
no offence intented! :D

i love catfish and plecs but most of my friends think i'm mental. when they think of tropical fish tanks they think of bettas and all the other really fancy fish.

we all have our favs


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