Leopard Danio....gone Missing


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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I had 4 leopard danios, i came home this morning to 2 of them, i found one trapped in an ornamental bridge, the other has completly dissapeard. i know it's odd, every one i spoken to has said "oh it's probably been eaten" i have 3 other guppys 3 mollys and a 6cm red tailed shark, i dont think any of these would eat my danio. i have looked all over the tank and cannot find a body.

where could he have got to? or what could have happend to him??
I had 4 leopard danios, i came home this morning to 2 of them, i found one trapped in an ornamental bridge, the other has completly dissapeard. i know it's odd, every one i spoken to has said "oh it's probably been eaten" i have 3 other guppys 3 mollys and a 6cm red tailed shark, i dont think any of these would eat my danio. i have looked all over the tank and cannot find a body.

where could he have got to? or what could have happend to him??
does your lid fit tight, could he have jumped out, or have you checked your filter, could he have got into there
How big is the tank, as if the red tail shark is not in a big enough tank and is in a bad mood he will of eaten him.


the lid fits very tight, the tank is about 2 foor long 1 foot high. he is only a small rts at the mo i know he will get bigger and needs a new tank i dont know wether i should take him to my lfs as will have a new talk in a few days, then i need to set it up for 2 weeks. i would be surprised if he could eat him all up the danio was about 2.5 cm. would the rts eat him and leave no remains??
Ok, never kept them, but my brother in law did, he had one and he used to pick fish off, he had to take him back in the end.Hope you find the danio, check the filter and you might have to remove plants and ornaments to find him, good luck.
I've had 2 or 3 zebra danios just vanish - 1 just the other day. I looked through the whole tank, the filter, everywhere and have never found them. I figure if another fish ate them, well at least they saved me from picking out a dead fish ... of course that's assuming the fish died before it was eaten. But I don't have any really aggressive fish in my tank.

It's funny cos none of my other fish have ever vanished, only the danios.
Look around on the ground around the tank. They can jump out through some very small spaces. That happened to me a couple months ago.
I've looked around the tank before and still haven't found them. Then again I didn't do that for the one that recently vanished ... and I've just remembered a gap where they could have jumped out.

I really hope they aren't under the stand and I've just missed them ... I have looked there before ... but I really don't want to be scraping old fish skeletons out from under the stand! Ewww :sick:

I've just been away for a few days, came back to find one neon and one danio missing.

Took the tank to pieces last night as part of a big maintenance effort and eventually found the danio's remains under a piece of bogwood all furred up and part eaten :sick:

No trace of the neon tho'

I dont have any predatory fish and no big ones either so its a bit of a mystery
I have a school of 7 zebra danios. about 2 weeks ago, my son found one of them on the floor dead. It had jumped out through a hole where a filter used to be. My bad. I counter the danios - 5. I counted again and again. Only 5. It's a 55G tank with a big hollow log thing, and no other place to hide. So, I use th eopportunity to pull out the log and clean out the pleco poop that had undoubtedly collected in it. I washed it out well in the sink. No daino for sure. I checked the filter (between the pad and the front of the filter too, no danio. It was my son's favorite one too - it was a runt, smaller than the others. I checked back every now and again to see if it reappeared. One day, about 2 weeks later, it was back! My son had found it. Sure enough, 6 danios. Oddly though, it swims on the bottom of the tank now, not the top with the others. It weaves through the plants, around the log, etc, just as if it were on the top. The ones from the top go down to play with it now and again. another case of the alien fish snatchers.

Hopefully you're as lucky, but probably not with an rts.
Like the others say, check inside the filter, and my two-bobs-worth is to keep on checking it with a torch! I once lost a Pearl Danio and he turned up in the filter much later, even though I'd already looked in there (described in the link below).


Good luck, and I hope the little fishy turns up safe and sound very soon.

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