Lens Cleaning


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2006
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Grimsby UK
Hi, what do you use to clean your DSLR lenses a lint free cloth or liquids or other?

I've been communicating with you via email, but i just tried something new out yesterday. It's called a lenspen, it has a retractable brush on one end and a cleaning tip on the other. Doesn't do as good a job as the spray and lens cloth option we talked about but it works in a pinch and they're relatively inexpensive.

Yeah, well i dont mind paying a few extra £ if its going to keep my lenses in top condition.

as SLC says a lens pen is a fine addition to any gadget bag. also use "micro" fiber cloths. if you have anything more than a little grease, the wet wipes sold in camera shops work well too.
I think i will get the Pec Pad photowipes, they are lint free and extremley soft it says, and a pentac micro fibre cloth which seems fairly good priced at £2.50 :)

I think i will get the Pec Pad photowipes, they are lint free and extremley soft it says, and a pentac micro fibre cloth which seems fairly good priced at �2.50 :)


i would tend to use the chemical coated wipes sparingly, only for the worst of fouling. the pen would be a better bet for normal use. the Pentax cloth is just the thing
Advice taken, i have already ordred both so like you say i will try not to use wipes often
Hi There,

I recently bought a Fuji S9600 and the friend that recommended the camera also recommended getting a Threaded UV filter. This will protect the lens from Fingerprints etc and give the whole lens a little bit of extra protection. I got mine from Ebay for about £6. Hope this helps.


It's better to have a dirty lens than a scratched one. If taken care of, you should hardly ever have to clean your lenses. I use a blower, a brush, a lens pen, and a micro fiber cloth.
yer i got a micro fibre cloth yesterday, that works a treat.I got the pec pad wipes aswell, assuming they where like moist with lens cleaner until realizing i have to buy the cleaning fluid :blush:
a high quality skylight or uv filter is a must on all camera lenses, SMC if you can get them.
a high quality skylight or uv filter is a must on all camera lenses, SMC if you can get them.

yer i was thinking of getting a filter, maybe a macro one cos i the smallest lens i have is 18-55mm.

What is SMC?, by the way lo.

a high quality skylight or uv filter is a must on all camera lenses, SMC if you can get them.

yer i was thinking of getting a filter, maybe a macro one cos i the smallest lens i have is 18-55mm.

What is SMC?, by the way lo.


SMC is Pentax's lens coating, it reduces chromatic abberations and other glare in general.

actually SMC simply means Super Multi Coating, it is done by ALL the lens and accessory manufacturers. and ensures that the filter does not in any way reduce the performance of any lens it is attached to.

do not get a Skylight or UV filter mixed up with effect filters like the close up mentioned in this thread. effects filters help introduce, something new to help boost a picture. sky and uv are used simply for protection of the lens elements, their effect on the final picture are minimal.

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