Lemon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dorset, UK
I need a mid level fish for my 20G. LFS has some lemon tetra in at the moment which are around 1inch long.

i plan on getting 4 or 5 of them, but a few questions first:

How big do they get?
Will they play nicely with my harlequins (x6) and corys (x3)?
Any other similar tetras i could consider, i want nice and colourful ones!

Just a word of warning, Lemon Tetras, IME aren't the hardiest fish around. I bought 5 online and 2 from a petstore and they all died within 4 weeks one by one, even though my stats were fine and nothing picked on them. They get to about 2 inches and once they are settled in they tend to look pretty cool. They should be fine with your harlequins and cories, although I would get something that contrasts a little more, maybe rummy noses.
Although they are listed as peaceful in all the references I used, some of mine were not.
One fish spent his entire time harrassing the others away from "his" territory. He hardly took time out to eat. Gradually, another one challenged him, and then it also started to become mean to the others.

Beautiful fish, but I re-housed them elsewhere. I won't get them again.

In contrast, my school of 9 Glowlight tetras are totally well-mannered, in a tank with Otocinclus, Corydoras, and baby bristlenose plecos. They spawn regularly, with no help from me, and have had no health problems in the 4 months I've had them.
While I never had any of the problems of the previous two posters as my lemon tetras lived long and were peaceful, rumor has it that they are fin nippers much like tiger barbs, so I would say with the fish you mentioned the lemons will be fine, just don't add anything with big lofty fins as they could become tetra food haha.
Well, since almost all Characiforms are carnivorous or at least omnivorous, almost all of them have teeth of some sort. There are a few exceptions, especailly as the families and species are continuously juggled as new grouping keep coming up, but almost all of them have teeth. Which, simply means that they almost all will nip to a certain degree. But lemons are generally not that nippy. Yes, there are always individuals whose personalities will not follow generalities. Especially compared with several other of the tetra family, like serpae tetras as much, much more notorious nippers. One thing that will help dissuade any nipping is if the lemons (and this goes for many other tetras, too) are not top dogs in the species. A completely peaceful, yet larger, other fish in the aquarium will let the lemons know that they are not in charge. When they are not in charge, they usually will not bully other fish at all.

I hope the OP does choose lemon tetras, though, they are one of my favorite fish. They usually are stressed in the dealer's tanks, and almost always look so washed out and plain, but if you get a school home, given them some high quality food, and water, and some good plants for cover, they will turn the most brilliant yellows. Live food will especially help, but mostly TLC and time will make these fish as brilliant and colorful as almost any other tetra.

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