Led Lights


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2012
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Is there any led lights out there that would do a 5ft tank. Maybe 120 cm long???

Is there any with the interchangable day and night modes.

I'm still after lights and having real problems getting anything
Is this any good?

I take it I would need more than 1?

Getting blood out of a stone is easier than getting information on here at times :rolleyes:
Well some info would be helpful first...what are you planning to stock?


Low tech or High?
Well some info would be helpful first...what are you planning to stock?


Low tech or High?

My intentions are:

Substrate = sand

Decor = bog wood

Plants =
Java fern
Giant vallis
Amazon swords

Fish =
Clown Loach x 6
Glass Cat Fish x 15
Ansistrus x 5
African Butterfly Fish x 6
Angel fish (wild strain) need to see what I can find x 6

I have considered a jewel light unit, individual light units etc but I'm clueless on what to buy

I'd like the option of something with a moonlight effect etc to switch the light on/off gradually. Pretty sure I seen others with similar effects on here. That said I can't afford crazy prices so I'm just looking ideas. I'm also having problems finding somewhere who will ship to Northern Ireland :rolleyes:

I looked at these but surely I'd need about 4 of them which is too expensive
Well I just use a cheap strip of blue LEDs from an auction site for moonlight. Waterproof , 41/2 ft long with a dim-able power supply - Think it cost £14

You could also try trawling the same auction site for someone selling 2'nd hand T8 or T5 for your main light.
I have checked there but haven't saw much to be honest, maybe looking for the wrong thing. Any link to the flourescent strip

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