Leaving For Awhile.....


New Member
Jun 22, 2009
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Well. I will be leaving in two days. I have a male betta I got about 6months ago and he is very active. Whenenever he sees me he jets to the top of the 5 gallon, filtered, and partially window lighted aqaurium waiting for his food. He's a very good betta! I've left him max 4 days without eating and he seemed fine when I got back but was a little sluggish. That was 3 months ago. :) Now that its summer I'm going to seattle to get on a cruise for alaska...my trip starts on the 25 and ends on the 7th...arouund 13 days. I'll round to 2 weeks. What should I do to feed him? Will he live if I just leave him for 2 weeks? I have the 7 day feeder block things..should i use it. Is it a better alternative then just starving him? Any other advice...i may be able to get a neighbor to feed him once every 3 days or so..not sure, so i'll count that out so you can give me other advice/alternatives. Thanks for the help. I'm new here. Hopefully I'll be around for some other more positive posts :)
Not sure what a good amount of time for a betta to go without food is, plus there are the water changes. If the neighbour can help out that would probably be best. Sure someone will come to the rescue with the correct advice shortly :)
Give him a big feed 24 hours before leaving. Do a water change as close to leaving as possible, get the gravel really clean. Then get the neighbour to come in every few days. Put some pellets into envelopes, ask the neighbour to tip in the contents of an envelope whenever they visit. Leave a bottle of dechlorintated water by the tank and ask the neighbour to pour a little in when the level starts to drop. Do a big water change as soon as you return, and give him a normal feed. Feed as normal, but maybe give him some bloodworms as a treat too when you return!
good news. got a friend to come atleast once every three days! Better then starving the poor fellow. he also said that he may be able to come everyday!! I'm soo happy! I can enjoy my vacation in peace!
from personal experience dont use the feeder blocks..the plater breaks down and really fouls the water.
glad someone can come fishsit. leave good directions on how to feed (most would overfeed)
from personal experience dont use the feeder blocks..the plater breaks down and really fouls the water.
glad someone can come fishsit. leave good directions on how to feed (most would overfeed)

I told him

and i will write instructions to :

in one week take 25% water out and slowly put 25 % new in with 2 drops of ph fix.
Once a day or twice in two totally diff. times feed 3 pellets. Wait for jaws to come up and drop one in front of him. let him get that. then the other 2. If he misses and can't find it..point it out as he follows your finger. thats about it
If you've got a friend to look after him that's by far your best option. Feeder blocks are no good for bettas because bettas are surface feeders and they don't recognise the crappy flakes that come out of the blocks as food. So then you've got starvation AND foul water quality... I never use them.
To give your friend less to do and give less chance of water quality deteriorating, sticking to the original every 3 days might be a good idea :)

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