Learning New Tricks

I know we can both argue until we’re blue in the face but I disagree on the backings on tanks. None of my fish tanks have it and I have enough smarts to know if my fish are stressed are not. I personally, think backings are ugly, cheap looking, and a thing of the 70’s. I will not use backings. The benefit (yes, I said benefit) to having a backing is it can enhance your fishes colors and cover wires. Therefore, if I were to use one it would just be a basic black so as not to cheapen the tank. As of now, I have found no reason to need one. All of my tanks (except one) back up to textured or colored walls so perhaps that sways my opinion.
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I only use black backgrounds. Because my wall is red, it would look weird with the green plants, and a red betta. I use black trash bags, that are stretched tight, and held by tape. :)

Back to the killfish, I never thought of them as an option. I thought they where exotic, and cost a lot of money. I will have to see if my LFS carries them, so I can see them in person.
I was wondering if you could find them in Lfs also.
Most shops will need to order them in so ask the shops what they can get. If they have any they will probably have golden panchax and that's about it. If you want nice stuff, contact the killifish society and get eggs sent out.
Colin, you're singing my song. I agree with everything you've said completely. Not real proud to say but I've spent the night in jail and that bare concrete room was far from cozy or home like. I suspect a bare tank would be exactly like that. So my Killie tanks will have plants and a dark substrate with covered back and sides. Java Moss and floating plants won't get in my way and the low light varieties I have will work great. Another thing I don't like about bare tanks is that mirror effect and glare on the bottom. Thank you for your thoughts on this subject.
Don't worry Madame' it's been years since I've been in the pokey. John Law had no trouble at all making a believer out of me. That night in the Klink convinced me but good to toe the line.
I read it wrong. Thought it said you spent the night in jail. Glad that wasn’t the case. Lol!

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