Lazy? Or Is This Whats Supposed To Happen?


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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Ok I gave my 2 bettas privacy earlier... so they could do what they wanted to do :hey: After they have spawned my female betta looked paralized and eggs began to drop... is the male supposed to pick them up? this betta didnt do anything but wait for the female betta to get up again, and then spawn again and again... but the eggs are just on the sand... or am I not supposed to have sand? the eggs are still there btw.
Ok I gave my 2 bettas privacy earlier... so they could do what they wanted to do :hey: After they have spawned my female betta looked paralized and eggs began to drop... is the male supposed to pick them up? this betta didnt do anything but wait for the female betta to get up again, and then spawn again and again... but the eggs are just on the sand... or am I not supposed to have sand? the eggs are still there btw.

Well... Ummm. Im not sure what the bottom of the tank has to be maybe gravel but anyways. I think that the male has to pick them up and put them in the bubble nest. But I dont know if the female should be out right after spawning, Atleast thats what I heard. So maybe the male is doing "IT" because he has the chance to. Maybe if he doesnt have the chance to spawn then he would pick them up. But im still thinking that after there done then he wouldnt do "IT" anymore. Then thats the time you take her out. But you should get a second opinion.


Good Luck on the Spawn! :thumbs:
The silly ol' CT male I'm trying to spawn at the moment does the same thing. No, it's not supposed to happen, but I don't think there's much you can do about it. If yours even built a nest he did better than my boy :rolleyes:
What I'm planning to do is try again, but spawn another pair right before so that the other male is tending eggs... then when the CT spawns I can syphon the eggs from his tank with a pipette and put them in with the other male, who will hopefully be fooled into caring for them as his own -- "Oops, there sure are a lot of eggs falling out of the nest all of a sudden!!" :shifty:

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