Lazy Cardinal Tetra


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
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Chesterfield, UK
One of my Cardinal Tetras is behaving oddly; it appears to be "gasping" (mouth opening and closing very fast) and at the same time it's fins/tail are twitching. It also tends to "hide" at one end of the tank. All the other fish in the tank are ok. This one does seem to be smaller than the other cardinals even though they were all the same size when bought.
do you have plants or other hiding places? The fish may just be stressed as it is the smallest and therefore the most picked on. If there are no other signs of illness right now and if there are hiding places then watch him carefully as he may come down with something if over stressed. HTH :)
Is it being picked on at all?

Is it losing color in any part of its body? (It might be neon tetra disease...)

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