Lazeespite's River Reef 94

Hi All

I'm picking up the live rock tomorrow, so I thought it about time to put water in the tank and add the salt. Dutifully bought out my refractometer, only to get a nasty shock. The read out looks nothing like any others I've seen... I know I should have checked first... doh!

I'm not sure if I should buy another one, this refractometer was advertised for marine tanks. It gives a reading of 0-26 on the left side, it gives he same the other side but beneath this sign is a '%'. Along the bottom it says sodium chlororide, above the scale with the '%' mark it states 'saturation point' an above all it says 20 degrees celcius.

I tried it after adding 2kg of salt to 94 litres, it reads about 4. Anybody have any idea what it all means!

Hey All

I've been delayed setting up my tank but I think I'm almost ready to add some creatures... I hope!

I've added just over 10KG of live rock (9KG in the front 1.5KG in the back) and about 12KG of aragonite sand... which took forever to clear even though I washed it before adding it. I swapped out the remaining Interpet pump and bought another Maxijet 1200, also adding a Hydor Koralia 900 to add to the water movement.I also replaced the refractometer with an H2 Ocean device which is much simpler to use.

I decided to get three large bits of live rock rather than smaller pieces, I thought less chance of somthing faling off and killing an inhabitant. There was some life on the rock a couple of worms and something that comes out occasionally, looks like a clear cylinder with a black ring of 'petals' at the top.

I've been keeping track of my parameters,and think I may be ready for my first additions, I was thinking a couple of hermits and a snail. I would appreciate if you could check that my water is fine for additions, I've had live rock in for a week:

Salt levels 1.025
Temp 25 Degrees
NO2 0 (mg/l)
NO3 0 (mg/l)
Ammonia <25 (mg/l)
Ca 500(mg/l)
KH 10
PH 8.2

I've also been thinking about fish, I intend to get a pair of clowns as previously mentioned, but I've seen Blue Yellowed Tailed Chromis that I thought looked cool and would like to get two. What do you guys think?

Grats on getting started!

In regards to fish. Chromis are a schooling fish and tend to need at least 5 so they do not fight. I have (1) in my tank as it is small which is also "ok" to only have one. Clowns are fun and pretty, always enjoyable!
Lazee spite where have you gone? :) any updates :good:

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