Lava Rocks On Planted Tank


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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hello people,
I was just wonderin if anybody here ever use lava rocks for their planted tank??? I have a bunch of them on my cichlid tank and was wonderin if this would work in a planted tank, I know that lava rocks could cause the ph to go up, but i'm thinking of putting maybe 2-3 pieces of rock on a 20 gallon...what do you guys think????
hello people,
I was just wonderin if anybody here ever use lava rocks for their planted tank??? I have a bunch of them on my cichlid tank and was wonderin if this would work in a planted tank, I know that lava rocks could cause the ph to go up, but i'm thinking of putting maybe 2-3 pieces of rock on a 20 gallon...what do you guys think????

I have two in my 20g planted that I've had since I started keeping fish and they have worked great. The PH is around 7-7.2 consistently. They also look really nice in high let set off against the greens of the plants.
that sounds great you have a pic of your tank u could post so I could see what you mean....that would be great.....

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