That awkward moment when your platy spits sand into the filter to make it go... fgkjhtihdflkgjdflktntypojsdfkjfflkvgnjtioygjudroithjoifgjdklfgjl.........
That awkward moment when you get your guppies home from your partners to find that your partners baby Polypterus Senagalus has eaten one of his eyes...
Yes, my partner has 3 baby Polypterus Senegalus and my guppies were residing temporarily in the same tank and suddenly I only have 1 male guppy and he only has 1 eye. Instead of 2 male guppies both with 2 eyes
That awkward moment when you go upstairs at 4am to find your female guppy is in the middle of a sort of difficult birth so end up staying up till 6am watching her And then the other awkward moment when you wake up the next morning to find she's still giving birth and that the bumblebee goby can't sit right because his belly is too big so he just keeps rolling over XD
that awkward moment when you buy the preggo platy below because you want fry.... and then the next morning it looks like the second pic... and there are no babies and the other fish are to small and coudnt have eaten them and there is a net over the filter intake