Last One To Post Here Wins

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But you guys are lucky, all you get is rain, but we're left with tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, avalanches, volcanoes (in some states) and hurricanes.

Hurricane Isabelle in 2003 left me with no power for a week! Nothing but pasta everynight :unsure:
Hurricane Katrina in I think 2007 or 2008 devastated alot of Florida including my grandmas condo.
We get hurricanes, tornado's and earthquakes too - just not on the same scale.

We had an earthquake here about 4 years ago. It made the news. Chimney's fell down in Lincoln (it's epicentre) and it was felt right here in my flat. It woke me up and terrified the life outta me!!

ps winning again!
We have quite a few faults here especially in California! Scientists predict that California will break away from the continental US in a couple hundred years.
We have quite a few faults here especially in California! Scientists predict that California will break away from the continental US in a couple hundred years.

I'm pretty sure that has been disproved as scientific bullsh*it....

Think of it, if the ENTIRETY of California at the same time ejected itself from the continental US, the following megaearthquakes and megatsunamis would destroy hundreds if not thousands of miles of coastline around the world, like Japan, Russia, China, Australia. It would be horrendous.

Remember that awful movie 2012? When the megaearthquake splits California from the US and then sinks into the ocean? Entire states can't sink into the ocean. The ocean is deep, but not that deep.

Like the rest of the movie, this is total bullsh*it

Sorry Japanese guy with a box of twinkies, I'M winning!

..................................That's Kim Jung Un, Dictator of North Korea, son of famous dictator Kim Jung Il.
still not giving in - even in the face of scientific speak

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