Last One To Post Here Wins

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Sounds like fun if you like history!!! Where are you? Virginia? I've been to those museums on vacation but I bet it's cool to live there.

Yeah they've even got a monument here for the bench forest sat on lol :lol:
Sounds like fun if you like history!!! Where are you? Virginia? I've been to those museums on vacation but I bet it's cool to live there.

Yeah they've even got a monument here for the bench forest sat on lol :lol:

Nope. Potomac, Maryland. It's pretty cool, but it gets ordinary after a while. Plus, tourists lol

Literally every souvenir shop in Savannah has some sort of Tom Hanks or Forrest Gump paraphanalia lol. I sat on the bench he sat on! I felt so empowered :good:
Yep I did the tour 4 years ago. It was cool though.

Next years field trip is to DC so that'll be a fun one i guess
I was being sarcastic, i forgot it doesn't translate in typing. Fairfax is right outside of DC. I love it there :nod:
I can have three more loaches for my tank! I just need parental approval now :sad: My dad (co-owner of tank) thinks we have too many, even though they're one of his favorite fish. :grr:
Get smart on his a**. I was sneaky and used to get scientific on my parents. Use the big words from the research you do on why 3 loaches is not enough. Then after being scientific, break their hearts with how they are your fav. fish and you can't even pet them but you love them so much.

[insert loach loving video here.]

except it will creep them out. so don't. good luck. I want a million loaches.
I loooooove Atlanta Aquarium! I was running around elbowing the little kids out of the way so I could press my face against the glass hehe
Haha, it's like, screw the kids, this is allll about ME!!!

hello from England!!! I got spawning cories, randy male platies and a female guppy that's looking a bit on the poorly side!!

It's all go lol

By-the way ...

Winning lol :hyper:
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