Last One To Post Here Wins

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Back to this again... folks don't just post to win, post to say something.  Its really sad for me to come here and just see a bunch of "I'm winning because I'm winning." 
I'll start removing lame posts like that, and then you won't be winning!
I got home today and to my surprise all my tetras were swimming about like they were in the morning. Normally in the afternoon they get all lazy. I think now I've Rescaped and they have lots of room they're really enjoying it.
Toomorrows the big day! I head out to Melbourne and stay the night at the airport, get up at 3 am, board the plane and take the 24 hour flight to Alaska! I'm terrified of flying! Hope alaska has wifi so I can continue to help everyone's fishes out!
Wish me luck!
eaglesaquarium said:
I'll start removing lame posts like that, and then you won't be winning!
Love this idea matey! :D
TallTree01 said:
Whatcha doin in Alaska?

Fishing, boating, eating, wrestling with bears, sitting around fires, just holidaying in general.
Sounds good. I hope you enjoy the bears thing.
That's a bit disturbing, really.
Aw come on, you've never seen that before? :p

My 2 parakeets are getting along good so far :)
i have one parakeet and she's really mean!
Why? I think females are sometimes meaner than males. Mine occasionally bites but he play biting.

she never lets anybody hold her and whenever i try she bites me really hard.

i'll get pics! hold on.
hmm... weird. for some reason it won't let me upload them to photobucket... :(
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