Last One To Post Here Wins

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Does ' caps lock 'need capital letters to start? My keyboard doesn't have capitals.... :/
Not on a standard hardware keyboard. On my Android phone, I tap the shift key twice to get caps lock.
I need to buy new Vegemite today. I went through this jar in a fortnight :crazy: .
Vegemite comes in a 'jar'?!  

What IS that stuff?
eaglesaquarium said:
Vegemite comes in a 'jar'?!  :sick:
What IS that stuff?
I can't believe that I have to give out instructions on Vegemite for those who are unfortunate enough to live outside Australia.


Concentrated YEAST Extract?

A little more digging - I found this:
I'm trying not to judge its flavor having never tried it... I eat some things that I'm sure other people would find gross (like the Pennsylvania Dutch classic "scrapple", aka pon haus).  That stuff is so good, although if its cooked improperly its not... and if you read the ingredients you may be turned off.  If you are interested the best brand is: Habersett.  
  (Go with the original, not the beef.)
What an idiot!
Forstly, Eat Vegemite with a spoon?!? Worst idea ever!
Secondly, it's nothing like peanut butter or jam!
Thirdly, that's not what it tastes like.

Vegemite is a very very salty spread. Eating it like that is like a spoon full of wasabi! You spread it on the bread as in the instruction manual I posted earlier.

Brad Pitt loves Vegemite. I'm off to find a video.
I knew he was an idiot before I clicked on the video. ;). Just thought I'd share. Internet, specifically YouTube is full of idiots... Lots of zeroes trying to become ones.

As per your directions, I think the kid has a death wish.
i have a 10g that im going to get fish in! so far i know im going to get some corys and gouramis. any other suggestions?
So, honey/ purring/ Pygmy are your only gourami option. There are 3 dwarf cories which would be good. There's hasbrosus and pygmaeus. Can't remember the other one.
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