Last One To Post Here Wins

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can we change this to person who posts the 5000th post wins?
if not im winning now!
But you haven't served your suspension. So you're not winning (Supraman, note that this is "you're", not "your") (TallTree, note the correct usage of the comma in the previous parenthesis)
AZ9, you are seriously following this thread? Good Lord!
MBOU, welcome to Bedlam.
the_lock_man, you are the winner.
I was following this topic a little while ago but was annoyed at being woken up by my computer as it blinked and bahed about the emails.
Ha ha ha TT nightmare!!

Btw, I'm back in the game guys 'n' gals :D
Shelster said:
Ha ha ha TT nightmare!!
Btw, I'm back in the game guys 'n' gals :D
Dude! You're my new favorite person!

My suspension is over cos of you! :yahoo:

I am now winning! :D

Yes, I had several nightmares about being chased by robots going ' beep bop beep boop'. :D
the_lock_man said:
Ha ha ha TT nightmare!!
Yes, he is, you're right. ;)
Oooh, winning, by the way.
Oh dear, see how grammar can make you seem offensive to others!

Ha ha, I guess it should have read:

Oh no TT, nightmare! :D

I'm the WINNER!!!!
May I respecfully disagree with the Honorable Lady's assertion.
I think we all got what you meant, TLM took the opportunity to have a jab at me. What a nightmare! ;)
And now your not winning any more
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