Last One To Post Here Wins

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Winning isn't an outcome, its a state of mind. 
I win.
As a native Philadelphian, and the reference to "Eye of the Tiger" which was written specifically for the "Rocky" movie, I needed to post this:
why?? and i hate blood tests too. i have do get one so they can see why i am so skinny, and they found nothing, clearly i am just amazing and always will be thin :D

Shelster said:

I call BS... they call you Ny82, just like we do.
Which is why I'm winning.
way back when, more like back many of pages ago, we used to call each other by our names
 .... which means its time again for.......
Hi, my name is Shelly and i am winning! 
I'm ShellEY
and it must be a winning name!
 wow Hi Shelley ;p i dont think i have ever met another shelly. :p on a side note have you ever repeated our name so much that you just think it is such a weird name? 
yup i officially say that my name is weird.... 

and officially i am winning because i am shellfish like that.... (haha get it shellfish..selfish..)
Can't believe you are all still going strong on this topic, for what purpose?
Supraman said:
Yep like an annoying side kick, except instead of helping you fall over your own two feet.
Don't listen to him. He's clearly confused.
He is my sidekick. I am his master.
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