Last One To Post Here Wins

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Very well.  Shame though.
I missed that announcement, somewhere along the way.
(Be sure to spend a few minutes each month voting for the Fish, Pet and Tank of the month!)
That it's any of my business but where has ps3steveo gone? Haven't seen him in ages. Anyway, I'm winning for now.
comocrayfish5 said:
hey lockman... what made you want to become the "apostrophe police"?
It really annoys me when people use apostrophes incorrectly. So often I see people typing "I have three cory's". NO YOU DON'T, YOU HAVE 3 CORIES. An apostrophe should not be used to indicate a plural. Ever. I fully appreciate that this is incredibly anal of me, but frankly I don't care.
Oh, and I'm winning again.

Man of fish said:
What was the subtle hint?
Obviously a bit too subtle.....
Now it's me!

TT Steveo is about I've seen posts this morning - people do have holidays :)
Well done for using the apostrophe correctly.
Ooh, look what I did....
TallTree01 said:
That it's any of my business but where has ps3steveo gone? Haven't seen him in ages. Anyway, I'm winning for now.
Like you say, its not really any of your business.   Let's just put it this way... He's been called away to attend to business on his home planet and will return as soon as the interstellar customs agents will allow him to come through with the newest and weirdest plant life for his next project.
More importantly, I find myself winning again.
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