Last One To Post Here Wins

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There was an old woman from Beaulieu,
Who feared she may be a Kuhli,
So at about four,
she swam around on the floor,
and found she was acutely loopy.
RIP Alphy.... You tried, and almost cured him. Good job.

My serpent star is so cool! Love him! He comes out when i feed the tank and crawls about collecting food. So worth 9$!
A run down of my planted tank.

Tank Size: 3ft

7x Cherry Barbs(Capoeta Titteya)
2x Golden Wonder Panchax(Aplocheilus Lineatus)
4x Bumblebee Gobies(Brachygobius Xanthozona)
3x Shadow Catfish(Hyalobagrus Flavus)
1x Black Lace Angelfish(Pterophyllum Scalare)
2x Ocellated Kribensis(Pelvicachromis Suocellatus Matadi)
3x Female Siamese Fighting Fish(Betta Splendens)

Plant Stock
Rotala Wallichii
Echinodorus Amazonicus
Nymphea Zenkeri
Elodea Densa
Rotala Rotundifolia
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Echinodorus Parviflorus
Ludwigia Repens
Hygrophila Polysperma 'crinkled'
Micranthemum Umbrosum

Lighting: A Juwel 4ft light unit with the following.
1x 40 Watt Hagen Power-Glo T8
1x 38 Watt Juwel Day-Lite T8

On for 12 hours a day.

Ferts/Trace Elements/Carbon/CO2:
None as such/EasyLife ProFito/EasyLife EasyCarbo/none.

Water:(RO or Tap)
Tap water, no dechlorinator.

I think that's everything :)
Literally just had the funniest thing going on in my tank....
I decided to feed the fish deshelled peas today, threw a big pile in the loach's favorite corner for them. What happened next was unexpected!

All loaches came racing out, and attacked the peas! There is one point were one picks one up in his mouth and thrashes around like a shark to rip up some peas! :hyper: The loaches were squiriming and doggy piling to get some peas! It was hilarious! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I took a video and some pictures...I am so uploading this! You guys will need to see this! :kewlpics:
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