Last One To Post Here Wins

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I win because I'm going to the LFS to buy some Amanos (to keep algae in check, since the power outtage killed my two) Cherries (for looks, and to replace lost ones due to power outtage) and an assassin snail! (to turn sand and keep snails in check)
BTw did you know assassin snails are actually not snails, but whelks? That's why there are male and females, they're not aesexual. But I'm calling my assassin Hannibal anyway, cause he eats snails!
In the Salty World we have Nassasarius vibex and others to eat other snails and sift sand.
The LFS didn't have any assassins....the ones they had were all dead! :sick: Going back wednesday to get one, and cherry shrimp. They got more kuhlis, all cute and squirmy, very tempting but mom said no....for now :shifty:
MY ANGELS SPAWNED!! and i'm telling every thread.

oh and I win!!! :hyper:
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