Laser Lights


May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
I went out and bought this laser set of lights insted of the normal aqurium light, and i must say, it make the tank REALLY beautiful. The light changing colour and when it changes blue i have to say, when the leapod platie swims infront of it, i have never seen such a brilliant sight, but what i dont get is this? On the box that the laser light came from it said this was harmless to fish, and i was wondering how this is? Because lasers are dangerous to human, these lasers are dangerous to human, that why you have to face them to the floor. It also say the laser help to give the fish bigger fins, brighter colours and reduce illness, can anyone enlighten me by how all this is so?

I have no idea what you have, but statements like...

>>> laser help to give the fish bigger fins,

... stink of some marketting company that knows absolutely nothing about fish but keen to sell their product at any cost. I'd love to see how they can justify a claim like that.

Is there a web site for this thing you have?
Perfect for Fresh or Saltwater Fish!
Improves the Color of Your Tropical Fish and Enhances Fin Growth!
Increases the Life Span of Your Fish!
Helps Reduce Bacteria and Infection by Purifying the Water!
Increases the Incubation Rate of Eggs and Growth of Fry!
Increases Disease Resistance!
Creates an Aquarium Night Light of Unmatched Beauty!

Someof those just sound ridiculous....
I went to the China Academy of Sciences web site and searched for this research, couldn't find it. What I could find is this apprently absent piece of "research" being quoted in several places selling these gadgets.

Frankly, it reads like any of dozens of quack wonders ranging from magnetic bracelets for arthritis, to mystic pyramids for keeping food fresh.

If these lasers are powerful enough to damage a human eye, I would expect them to have a similar effect on a fishes eye.
Most of the "lasers" You see for fish tanks are nothing more than an LED with a lense to focus it which isn't harmful.
i doubt it has any real benefits, but mostly likely, its not too harmful either, but you never know. what i'd like to see if what one of these systems acutally looks like in areal tank set up, working (the pics they use for ads are never real). couldyou post some shots of the tnak when the system is in use???
The only *light* that will kill bacteria in water is intense UV lighting. You can buy units you pump your tank water through and they have internal UV lighting for just that purpose..... I'm pretty sure LED aka miracle lasers aint gonna do that..... do your fish pop when they swim into the beam? :rofl:
Sky042 said:
Most of the "lasers" You see for fish tanks are nothing more than an LED with a lense to focus it which isn't harmful.
exactly... Blue lasers are VERY hard to produce and are WAY out out the budget of fish product manufacturers...
I bought one of the miricle beam things a long time ago, and I will say it does look pretty cool when the lights are out. It is actually still in my tank, but hasn't been turned on in a long time. They are no more than a led light behind a lens as someone stated, has the same effect as the led moonllights that are used on some marine setups. Just casts a colored glow in the water, which looks neat expecially if the light passes thru the bubbles from a airstone.
I doubt that they have any effect on a fish really, the light is not like super intense like a laser, more like a very faint glow. They work kinda like a spot light, and if you wanted to have something seen at night on the bottom they could be used to illuminate it. I have recently seen a Lighthouse Ornament that they sell, which has a led in it so it looks like the light is on, pretty neat I suppose, but I wouldn't buy one. Search on Ebay for miracle beam... theres many of them on there....
Oh, c'mon!!! I have thousands of blue lasers!!! :p

Anyway....I agree that the light would have no harmful effects....except if they look right into ever looked straight into an LED???? OUCH!!! :lol: :lol:
So freshmike, do you sit your little fishies down and give them a pet talk about not looking in the light? :rofl:
I have the Tri-light laser in my tank, it changes colour and i must say, it is really kool and pretty, i have it positioned where it creats a good effect on the air bubbles and lights the whole tank, really looks good in the darkness


looks to me light the same lazers they use in a lazer pointer and they was banned in the uk. mainly because children was pointing them into dogs eyes and blinding them. I used to have a lazer pen used to give me a headache so i doubt if fish will be happy!


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