laser lights


Jun 16, 2003
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Does anyone know what these laser light units for fishtanks do, or what they are good for? What's the deal with them? i see them in catalogs, but it never seems to explain exactly what they are good for or what they do.

- kip
hello i myself have seen a lazer light treasure chest

i dont think they do any thing for the fishys just makes the tank light up diffrent colors inside

but could this cause stress to fish?
skiltrip said:
Does anyone know what these laser light units for fishtanks do

Nothing. Just some stupid idea to make tank to look "cool".
stress, i would think so. my camera shows a red light everytime i take a photo, and the fish get really upset- which brings me to something i really get mad about-
laser pointers and fish.
they are selling laser pointers at petsotres, and on the packageing, it says "for cats, dogs, fish and other marine life" which is SO not true- my friend lost every single fish in a 90 gallon the day after he used a laser pointer on the fish.
i do not know why they would sell such things. its not true, for fish!!
but cats on the other hand... :nod:
sorry for my babbling, but i could be wrong about the stress thing, but i will never use those laser lights, no matter what anyone says. :no: :no:
Petco sells them, and here's there description from their website...

the link to this by the way is...

The Miracle Beam Aquarium Laser System is the most revolutionary aquarium device in the world today. After years of testing on tropical fish (fresh and saltwater), the Miracle Beam Aquarium Laser System was developed to enhance the color, life span, disease resistance and growth rate of all your tropical fish.

The Miracle Beam Laser reproduces a spectrum of the sun's natural light that is inherent in tropical and reef environments.

The Miracle Beam Laser System should be left on eight to 12 hours per day for maximum effectiveness.

Perfect for fresh or saltwater fish.
Improves the color of your tropical fish and enhances fin growth.
Increases the life span of your fish.
Helps reduce bacteria and infection by purifying the water.
Increases the incubation rate of eggs and growth of fry.
Increases disease resistance.
Creates an aquarium night light of unmatched beauty

this says it's GOOD for them. anyone have any insight into whether this is really true or not? not that i'm going to get one, nor do i want one, just curious about it.

- Kip
hmm not sure maybe thats a special laser that is made to help fish by cleaning sorting water out ???

i was onabout a diffrent type thats PURLY FOR SHOW cus wot makes kiddies go crazy lasers good selling point FOR MONEY $$$$$
The Miracle Beam Laser

Because it makes all that improvements, the laser must be a miracle as it's said in the product name :lol:
skiltrip said:
Petco sells them, and here's there description from their website...

the link to this by the way is...

The Miracle Beam Aquarium Laser System is the most revolutionary aquarium device in the world today. After years of testing on tropical fish (fresh and saltwater), the Miracle Beam Aquarium Laser System was developed to enhance the color, life span, disease resistance and growth rate of all your tropical fish.

The Miracle Beam Laser reproduces a spectrum of the sun's natural light that is inherent in tropical and reef environments.

The Miracle Beam Laser System should be left on eight to 12 hours per day for maximum effectiveness.

Perfect for fresh or saltwater fish.
Improves the color of your tropical fish and enhances fin growth.
Increases the life span of your fish.
Helps reduce bacteria and infection by purifying the water.
Increases the incubation rate of eggs and growth of fry.
Increases disease resistance.
Creates an aquarium night light of unmatched beauty

this says it's GOOD for them. anyone have any insight into whether this is really true or not? not that i'm going to get one, nor do i want one, just curious about it.

- Kip
I work in an LFS, i spoke to the sales rep who sells Miracle Beam, He says its a load of bull...does nothing but show up the whitespot your fish will get from the stress...his words not mine.
I bought one of those laser light kits at the pet store when I was new to the fish keeping thing. You know you get all psyched and have to have everything thats out there.castles...laser lights.............thank goodness I didnt get one of those treasure chests or marine man that moves!!!! Anyways, I have the lights which are blue and green in a tank in my bedroom. I use it as a nightlight-transition from the regular lighting to lights out!!!! And very dark when th
SOMEHOW i MESSESD UP.AND LOST MY POST IN MID STREAM............anyways, I am wondering if the lights do cause stress to the fish. I have noticed that they get very active and at first I thought they liked it when I turned it on. But now one of my clown loaches has died and I wonder if it was from these lights. It's funny tho once you have been doing this awhile that you realize hopw little you do need to buy for decorations. I am going to dis-mantle my tank this winter and re-do the entire thing with natural colored gravel-no castles-many more rocks and caves-stuff that the fish like-not stuff humans find pleasing to look at!!
I am an interior designer and I am going to design a natural looking tank that the fish will love. :wub: Move Over Martha Stuart!!!!
Deb :lol: : :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OK I may not be right, but here is a possible/probable explanation. Laser pointers use a wavelength usually filtered out by our atmosphere, and could be considered harmful.

The laser lights for fish tanks are tuned to a specific spectrum of normal visible light.

Many people have red moonlights. It is commonly belived that marinelife cannot view the red spectrum of light.

But, I could be wrong.........naaaah... :)

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