Large Vase


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Normally I dont like the idea of using vases with bettas but I have a little problem where Rusty's glass bowl cracked and I was thinking of putting him in this since I cant go buy another bowl right now. I am wondering how much water it holds, it looks really big. It has to be more than a gallon. I've placed a tin of betta bites next to it for comparison. How much water do you think it holds? Will Rusty be ok in it? It looks smaller in the pic than it actually is...

I agree, it looks about as big as a gallon of milk. He should be happy! :D
Just make sure to cover it with something so he doesn't jump out.
Thats Fine
Just Leave enough of a breathing Space - so he can build his Bubble Nest
This is what I did to it...I put a short plant in the bottom (since it was the smaller section) and left enough swimming room at the top. It holds about a 1.25 gallon. The little guy loves it, especially swimming through the leaves of the plant on the bottom. See pic below...


Edit: It only looks small because he is up against the glass flaring, so he looks bigger.

"Just make sure to cover it with something so he doesn't jump out. "

"Definately make some sort of lid for sure!"

I took a cd spindle (that 50 pack blanks cds come in) and cut of most of the pole that the cds fit into, so there's about a half inch hole leading to the top for air. I just turned it upside down. WOrks great!
i like that plant. cant you tell me what kind it is? looks to me kinda like a short melon sword. but im kinda new to bettas an plants :p
I dont know anything about plants but it was labelled amazon I guess thats what it is! :nod:
its a nice plant. i really like your fish. where did you get him from i really wanna get a Crowtail!
Thanks, I got him from a lfs in New Hyde Park, Long Island, NY. He has the best and longest fins of all my crowntails! Thats why I decided to put him in the larger vase instead of the 1g tank he was in. I think he can spread his fins out better in the vase.
well i love him. how much did he cost?
hes soooo neet i jus like the hole set set up it looks like something i could keep in my living room with out my gf bitchin at me to keep them in the computer room :p
Paid $6.99...its a real simple setup thats seems comfy for the betta. A few black stones, a plant and a vase.

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