Large Tank Off The Shelf - Help!


Mostly New Member
Nov 8, 2013
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Hello can anyone help please.
I am looking at upgrading my tank. At the moment I have a Juwel Rio 300 which holds 350 litres, but I am looking to get an upgrade. I have always bought an 'off the shelf' tank as I know you can get parts/replacement/customer service easily. There is a Juwel Rio 400 but to be honest, I was hoping to go larger, and just get the biggest tank I could for the final tank and would no longer need to upgrade.
Does anyone know what the largest tank I can buy is without being custom? And does anyone have experiences with them?
Alternatively, anyone has an excellent custom tank?
I have always found the Juwel Rio range excellent once you have removed the internal filter.
Many Thanks
Just my 2 cents, If you like to poke around with plants , décor or the substrate quite a lot, don't buy a tank that is so deep you can't reach the bottom with your hand. (especially when it's on it's stand)
Clearseal do a 8'x2'x2', I think; just a basic glass box though.
Do watch the height; my mum had her 5'x2'x2' on a high stand, and neither of us (nor my late father, who was a short man!) could reach the bottom properly (I've got one that size now, and I bottled out and put it on the floor! Doesn't look pretty though).
calversbuyuk said:
I've just had six tanks from ND Aquatics which are superb, the most beautifully made tanks I've ever seen.  I only got the tanks and glass covers but they do stands and such too I believe.
How come you bought 6 in one go? must have a nie set up, got any pics?
We decided to replace all our tanks as part of a major redecorate in the main areas of the house,  The tanks we had were mostly second hand, battered, scratched, chipped and mismatched plus not the best sizes to make the most of the limited room we have available for the tanks.  So we are in the middle of replacing all of them.  This is why I haven't really posted photos of my tanks and fish since joining as it's all changing.  I have have been taking photos of the work which I'll sort out and put up in the appropriate areas when I have time.  I'm going to put some up of the oscars new tanks as they are nearly finished (ish).  It is going to be a long time before everything is straight again!
ah sweet sounds good! ill look at the link now :) 

wow very nice set ups! what rock did you use? and what about the lights where did you get these from?

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