Large Tank of the month!

Which is your favourite large tank?

  • Freshmike

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Budmaster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ginamoore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • teknikz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AndrewRenard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Freshmike2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nallen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tragic Avenue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • zantetsuken

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
teknikz, gets my vote definatly. Bigger isn' better. From what I see I thinks its better. Some reasons why others win is because of the photo position. :rolleyes:
Eelzor said:
teknikz, gets my vote definatly. Bigger isn' better. From what I see I thinks its better. Some reasons why others win is because of the photo position. :rolleyes:
I like Teknikz tank too. I may vote for him. Whomever I vote for, it won't be someone who hogs these competitions and threads. It won't be someone who campaigns by sucking up to everyone for votes by nominating tank after tank when he has no intention of voting for any of them.

I'm sure glad that there is nobody like that around here. :p
Go Budmaster Go!!! I love that tank!!!! I mean I LOVE mine more.....only cuz it is at my house!!!!
2 different worlds too......tropical planted vs "the almost piranhas" LOL!!! :thumbs:
jerry atrix said:
Eelzor said:
teknikz, gets my vote definatly. Bigger isn' better. From what I see I thinks its better. Some reasons why others win is because of the photo position. :rolleyes:
I like Teknikz tank too. I may vote for him. Whomever I vote for, it won't be someone who hogs these competitions and threads. It won't be someone who campaigns by sucking up to everyone for votes by nominating tank after tank when he has no intention of voting for any of them.

I'm sure glad that there is nobody like that around here. :p
Whoa. jerry atrix, your thinly veiled sarcasm and blatant attack is neither warranted, nor appreciated. I see this is your first post. How courageous of you to frequent the forum enough to form such opinions as you've expressed here, yet come back as a first time member to voice them.

Will has generously provided each member of this forum with a certain amount of space to post pictures of fish, pets, themselves, or whatever else they may choose. As long as each member is within his or her limit (indeed, the only way I see around this would be to sign up with multiple accounts :grr: ), there can be no such thing as 'hogging' the pictures thread. As for 'hogging' the competitions go, could it perhaps be jealousy that prompts one to compose such a complaint as yours? No member can submit his own photos for repeated entries into the competitions each month; they must receive the nominations of other members.

There are many of us who visit this area of the board frequently and who are extremely appreciative of the superb quality photos we get to see of exquisitely designed and maintained tanks and fish. Personally, I am grateful to Will for providing us with the space, but I am equally grateful to all the members who continuously provide us with beautiful pictures.

There is nothing wrong with nominating many tanks and fish every month. The contests couldn't run if people only nominated the one tank and one fish for which they intended to vote.

You have NO idea how difficult it was for me to be this civil in response to what I consider to be a disgustingly rude post!!! :grr:
Sometimes smaller tanks can beat larger tanks if the camera is positioned at the right place at the right time. :)
Mikes definitely got the best camera! And nicest looking tank too b.t.w. :) Got my vote.
William said:









Some great tanks once again, sorry for the delay in getting it up but it'll run for an extra day to compensate, good luck everyone!!
"Beautiful pics guys."


  • bowfront.jpg
    6.2 KB · Views: 56
This has been going on for wayyyy longer than 5 days lol!!!! :lol:
I didn't vote. I couldn't decide they are all so amazing. I'm so wanting a big tank even more now and a digital camera or scanner. lol!

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