Queen TI
The price may be better for a juvenile regal. The one I saw yesterday was quite large, about 7" long and 4-5" deep. You may pick up a juvenile for less.
I will mention that the Harlequin Tusk is a wrasse but they never burrow in the sandThanks for the help here guys, I do not like the sound of the price for a regal angel, hundreds, would have to have a long think about that. I just looked up the Harlequin Tusk and that is a lovely looking fish so that will be added to my possibility's
A pacific blue tang, is that just another name for a regal?
Thanks all
Scribbled Rabbitfish, or a Naso tang if you really want larger colorful fish. Emperor Angels are another type that are possible, although not ALWAYS reef safe
Rabbitfish tend to be Reef safe but there are exceptionsScribbled Rabbitfish, or a Naso tang if you really want larger colorful fish. Emperor Angels are another type that are possible, although not ALWAYS reef safe
Ski I thought naso's really need a 180 usg minimum in the long run. I researched them for a long time and was trying to come up w/a way (and to justify) to keep one long term in a 120 usg. I couldn't
I also read that Rabbitfish aren't entirely reef safe and may nip if they feel like it??